
CICW Publications

Strengthening Border Families: Frontline Practitioner Perspectives – Research Brief

By | CICW Publications, Research Briefs
Megan Finno-Velasquez, Sophia Sepp, and Vanessa Mendoza; Center on Immigration and Child Welfare (July 2022)

This brief summaries the key findings and recommendations from the second phase of the Strengthening Border Families study, which elicited the perspectives of frontline practitioners who serve immigrant families across a variety of service settings in the community about the accessibility and quality of services for  immigrant families with young children in the Doña Ana County. It is also available in Spanish here.

Factsheet: Immigrant Access to Benefits in NM

By | CICW Publications, COVID-19, Fact Sheets, Public Charge, Social Work, Social Workers, Spanish Resources, Youth & Families

Factsheet: Immigrant Access to Benefits in NM

Sophia Sepp, Silvia Aguirre-Jaquez, Jamie Savage; Center on Immigration and Child Welfare (February 2022)

This factsheet provides information about key resources and benefits available to immigrants living in NM to help meet basic needs particularly in light of the COVID-19 pandemic. It’s available in both English and Spanish.

Spanish Version

Strengthening Border Families: Frontline Practitioner Perspectives on Service Access for Immigrant Families with Young Children in Doña Ana County, NM

By | Child Well-Being, CICW Publications, Early Childhood, Immigrant Families Research, Reports, Research
Strengthening Border Families Frontline Practitioner Perspectives on Service Access for Immigrant Families with Young Children

Strengthening Border Families: Frontline Practitioner Perspectives on Service Access for Immigrant Families with Young Children in Doña Ana County, NM

Megan Finno-Velasquez, Sophia Sepp, Vanessa Mendoza, and Anayeli Lopez; Center on Immigration and Child Welfare (December 2021)

This report details the findings and recommendations from the second phase of the Strengthening Border Families study, which elicited the perspectives of frontline practitioners who serve immigrant families across a variety of service settings in the community about the accessibility and quality of services for  immigrant families with young children in the Doña Ana County.

Spanish Version

Strengthening Border Families: Community Leader Perspectives – Research Brief

By | Research Briefs

Strengthening Border Families: Community Leader Perspectives – Research Brief

Sophia Sepp, Megan-Finno Velasquez, & Vanessa Mendoza; Center on Immigration and Child Welfare (July 2021)

This brief highlights the findings and recommendations from a community-based participatory research study on the accessibility and quality of community services for immigrant families with young children in Doña Ana County, New Mexico. It is also available in Spanish here.

Strengthening Border Families: Community & Policy Responses

By | Child Well-Being, CICW Publications, Early Childhood, Reports

Strengthening Border Families: Community and Policy Responses to Serving Immigrant Families with Young Children in Doña Ana County, NM

Megan Finno-Velasquez, Sophia Sepp, Anayeli Lopez, and Michelle Salazar Pérez; Center on Immigration and Child Welfare (May 2021)

This report details the results and recommendations of the first phase of a community-based participatory research project which aimed to explore the accessibility and quality of services as well as barriers and facilitators to service receipt among immigrant families with young children in the New Mexico borderlands. It is also available in Spanish here.

Trauma in Immigrant Families Resource List

By | CICW Publications, CICW Toolkits, Handbooks, Guides & Books

Trauma in Immigrant Families Resource List

Center on Immigration & Child Welfare (November 2019)

This document provides a list of vetted resources that explain the risk of trauma in immigrant and refugee groups, responses and strategies to mitigate the impact of trauma in the context of the political environment in the U.S., and tools for agencies and individual providers use in practice with immigrant and refugee families.

Immigrant Family Separation & Detention Resource List

By | CICW Publications, CICW Toolkits, Handbooks, Guides & Books

Immigrant Family Separation & Detention Resource List

Center on Immigration & Child Welfare (November 2019)

This document provides a list of vetted resources aimed at enhancing knowledge and understanding of the topics of immigrant family separation, family detention and incarceration, the Flores Settlement Agreement, and the Office of Refugee Resettlement federal foster care program. It also provides resources for legal and social services providers working with families and on issues of family separation and detention.

Culturally Competent Practice With Immigrant & Refugee Families Resource List

By | CICW Publications, CICW Toolkits, Handbooks, Guides & Books

Culturally Competent Practice With Immigrant & Refugee Families Resource List

Center on Immigration & Child Welfare (November 2019)

This document provides a list of vetted resources aimed at enhancing knowledge and implementation of culturally competent practice with immigrant and refugees in the child welfare system, in direct practice settings, and in communities.
