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Sophia Sepp

Healing the Invisible Wounds: Children’s Exposure to Violence – A Guide for Families

By | Child Abuse/Neglect Prevention, Family Violence, Immigrant Youth, Parenting, Practice, Resources, Social Work, Trauma, Youth & Families

Healing the Invisible Wounds: Children’s Exposure to Violence – A Guide for Families

Safe Start Center (2008)

This publication and companion quick reference card was created for parents and other caregivers to describe the signs and symptoms of exposure to violence, as well as some of the effects of exposure on children at various stages of development. The guide emphasizes the critical importance of the parent’s role in supporting children exposed to violence and provides practical strategies to support healing that parents can incorporate in daily interactions.

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Foster Care Placement Settings and Permanency Planning: Patterns by Child Generation and Ethnicity

By | Child Abuse/Neglect Prevention, Child Welfare System Research, Child Well-Being, Family Separation, Foster Care, Immigrant Youth, Research, Resources, Social Work, Trauma

Foster Care Placement Settings and Permanency Planning: Patterns by Child Generation and Ethnicity

Tracy Vericker, Daniel Kuehn, Randolph Capps, Urban Institute (May 7, 2007)

A brief from a series of studies which provide estimates of first- and second-generation immigrant children in out-of-home care and the experiences of those children in the Texas child welfare system.

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Child Sexual Abuse: Removals by Child Generation and Ethnicity

By | Child Abuse/Neglect Prevention, Child Maltreatment, Child Welfare System Research, Child Well-Being, Family Violence, Foster Care, Immigrant Youth, Research, Resources, Safety, State Policies, Trauma

Child Sexual Abuse: Removals by Child Generation and Ethnicity

Daniel Kuehn, Tracy Vericker, Randolph Capps, Urban Institute (May 7, 2007)

These briefs are from a series of studies which provide estimates of first- and second-generation immigrant children in out-of-home care and the experiences of those children in the Texas child welfare system.

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Title IV-E Funding : Funded Foster Care Placements by Child Generation and Ethnicity

By | Child Abuse/Neglect Prevention, Child Welfare System Research, Child Well-Being, Family Violence, Foster Care, Immigrant Youth, Research, Resources, Safety, Social Work, State Policies

Title IV-E Funding: Funded Foster Care Placements by Child Generation and Ethnicity

Tracy Vericker, Daniel Kuehn, and Randolph Capps, Urban Institute (May 2007)

This brief is from a series of studies which provide estimates of first- and second-generation immigrant children in out-of-home care and the experiences of those children in the Texas child welfare system. This brief discusses findings related to the share of children eligible for Title IV-E by generation and ethnicity.

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Paying the Price: The Impact of Immigration Raids on America’s Children

By | Child Welfare System Research, Child Well-Being, Deportation, Detention, Family Separation, ICE, Immigrant Youth, Immigration Enforcement, Legal/Law, Research, Resources, State Policies

Paying the Price: The Impact of Immigration Raids on America’s Children

Urban Institute & National Council of La Raza (2007)

This report details the consequences of immigration enforcement operations on children’s psychological, educational, economic, and social well-being. The report profiles three communities that experienced large-scale work-site raids by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE): Greeley, CO; Grand Island, NE; and New Bedford, MA.

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Raising Children in a New Country – An Illustrated Handbook

By | Child Abuse/Neglect Prevention, Child Well-Being, Culture: Issues & Competencies, Early Childhood, Parenting, Practice, Resources, Safety, Youth & Families

Raising Children in a New Country – An Illustrated Handbook

Bridging Refugee Youth & Children’s Services (2007)

This booklet, available in multiple languages and geared toward parents with low levels of English proficiency and/or low literacy levels, provides immigrant parents with basic information about U.S. laws and parenting practices.

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Culturally Competent Practice with Latino Children and Families

By | Child Well-Being, Culture: Issues & Competencies, Immigrant Youth, Immigration Relief, Resources, Social Work, State Policies, Toolkits, Handbooks, Guides & Books, Training & Tools, Trainings

Culturally Competent Practice with Latino Children and Families

Alan J. Dettlaff, PhD, Jane Addams College of Social Work, University of Illinois at Chicago; Cecilia L. Thomas, PhD, Department of Rehabilitation, Social Work, and Addictions, University of North Texas; Harriet L. Cohen, PhD, Department of Social Work, Texas Christian University; and Teresa Buehler, LCSW, Curriculum Consultant (2005)

This training curriculum was developed for use in the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services. The goal of the curriculum is to build competency for practice with Latino children and families using a Systems of Care model. Although the curriculum addresses Latino families broadly, it contains an emphasis on immigrant families. The development of the curriculum was funded by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families, Children’s Bureau.

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