
Early Childhood

Our Children’s Fear: Immigration Policy’s Effects on Young Children

By | Child Well-Being, Early Childhood, Highlighted Resources, Immigrant Youth, Legal/Law, Parenting, Practice, Practice Highlight, Social Work, Social Workers

Our Children’s Fear: Immigration Policy’s Effects on Young Children

Wendy Cervantes, Hannah Matthews and Rebecca Ullrich, CLASP (3/14/2018)

This webinar presents findings from two CLASP reports: “Our Children’s Fear: Immigration Policy’s Effects on Young Children” and “Immigration Policy’s Harmful Impacts on Early Care and Education”. It also explains how immigration policy is affecting young children and their parents as well as early childhood educators. Recommendations for stakeholders at all levels to safeguard the wellbeing of children in immigrant families are also provided.

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The Language of the Classroom: Dual Language Learners in Head Start, Public Pre-K, and Private Preschool Programs

By | Child Well-Being, Early Childhood, Highlighted Resources, Immigrant Families Research, Language Issues, Research, Research Highlight

The Language of the Classroom: Dual Language Learners in Head Start, Public Pre-K, and Private Preschool Programs

Megina Baker and Mariela Páez, Migration Policy Institute (March 26, 2018)

This report examines how teachers in different types of programs—Head Start, public pre-K, and private preschool—use English and their students’ home languages to support their linguistic, academic, and socioemotional development.

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Our Children’s Fear: Immigration Policy’s Effects on Young Children

By | Child Well-Being, Early Childhood, Immigrant Families Research, Immigrant Youth, Immigration Enforcement, Law & Policy, Legal/Law, Research, Research Highlight, Social Work, State Policies, State Policy

Our Children’s Fear: Immigration Policy’s Effects on Young Children

Hannah Matthews, Rebecca Ullrich, and Wendy Cervantes, CLASP (March 1, 2018)

This report documents how the current immigration context is affecting our nation’s youngest children, under age eight, based on interviews and focus groups in 2017 with more than 150 early childhood educators and parents in six states—California, Georgia, Illinois, New Mexico, North Carolina, and Pennsylvania.

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Trump’s Immigration Policies Are Harming American Children

By | Child Well-Being, Deportation, Early Childhood, Family Separation, Federal Policy, Immigrant Youth, Immigration Enforcement, Law & Policy, Law/Policy Highlight, Spanish Resources, Trauma

Trump’s Immigration Policies Are Harming American Children

Leila Schochet, Center for American Progress (July 31, 2017)

This issue brief discusses how Trump’s immigration policies impact young children and details current research on the impacts of breaking families apart, instilling fear in immigrant communities, and preventing families from accessing programs that meet children’s basic needs.

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Child Welfare Training Curricula for Staff Working with Refugees and Immigrants

By | Child Abuse/Neglect Prevention, Child Well-Being, Early Childhood, Immigrant Youth, Resources, Social Work, Training & Tools, Trainings

Child Welfare Training Curricula for Staff Working with Refugees and Immigrants

Bridging Refugee Youth & Children’s Services

BRYCS maintains an online database of training curricula that address multiple issues associated with immigrant children and families’ involvement with child protection and child welfare systems.

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Child Care Choices of Low-Income, Immigrant Families with Young Children

By | Child Well-Being, Early Childhood, Immigrant Families Research, Language Issues, Parenting, Research Highlight

Child Care Choices of Low-Income, Immigrant Families with Young Children

Heather Sandstrom and Julia Gelatt, Urban Institute (Nov 7, 2017)

Using data from the National Survey of Early Care and Education, this brief reports differences in the child care settings foreign-born and US-born parents select for their young children.

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2017 Race for Results Building a Path to Opportunity for All Children

By | Child Well-Being, Early Childhood, Immigrant Families Research, Immigrant Youth, Immigration Relief, Research Highlight, Social Work

2017 Race for Results Building a Path to Opportunity for All Children

The Annie E. Casey Foundation (Oct 2017)

In 2014, the Casey Foundation released Race for Results: Building a Path to Opportunity for All Children. The report described the disproportionate barriers facing children of color, as well as immigrant children. In addition to this, it also recommended strategies that policy, community and civic leaders can use to guide their decisions so that all our children have a fair chance to thrive. The Casey Foundation made a commitment to publishing Race for Results every three years to track progress, with the hope that life chances for all kids will continuously improve. This report is the second to provide detailed data for children of all races and in each state.

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Quality for Whom? Supporting Diverse Children and Workers in Early Childhood Quality Rating and Improvement Systems

By | Child Well-Being, Culture: Issues & Competencies, Early Childhood, Immigrant Youth, Practice Highlight, Social Workers

Quality for Whom? Supporting Diverse Children and Workers in Early Childhood Quality Rating and Improvement Systems

Julie Sugarman and Maki Park, Migration Policy Institute (August 2017)

This report examines how diverse providers access Quality Rating and Improvement Systems (QRIS) and the processes built around them, what indicators can be used to better capture program elements that are valuable to immigrant and refugee families, and how the rollout of QRIS in different states has affected these communities.

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Raising Young Children in a New Country: Supporting Early Learning & Healthy Development

By | Child Abuse/Neglect Prevention, Child Well-Being, Culture: Issues & Competencies, Early Childhood, Immigrant Youth, Immigration Relief, Parenting, Practice, Resources, Safety, Spanish Resources, Toolkits, Handbooks, Guides & Books, Training & Tools, Youth & Families

Raising Young Children in a New Country: Supporting Early Learning & Healthy Development

Bridging Refugee Youth & Children’s Services (2013)

This illustrated handbook provides immigrant and refugee families with information about topics such as: family well-being, safety and protection, guidance and discipline, healthy brain development, early learning and school readiness, and connecting to early care and education. It is available in multiple languages.

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Raising Children in a New Country – An Illustrated Handbook

By | Child Abuse/Neglect Prevention, Child Well-Being, Culture: Issues & Competencies, Early Childhood, Parenting, Practice, Resources, Safety, Youth & Families

Raising Children in a New Country – An Illustrated Handbook

Bridging Refugee Youth & Children’s Services (2007)

This booklet, available in multiple languages and geared toward parents with low levels of English proficiency and/or low literacy levels, provides immigrant parents with basic information about U.S. laws and parenting practices.

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