
Highlighted Resources

Practice Advisory: Stays of Removal for DACA Recipients with Removal Orders

By | Highlighted Resources, Immigrant Youth, Immigration Relief, Legal Professionals, Legal/Law, Practice, Practice Highlight, State Policies

Practice Advisory: Stays of Removal for DACA Recipients with Removal Orders

CLINIC (March 9, 2018)

The purpose of this practice advisory is to assist practitioners filing stays of removal for those DACA recipients who have prior removal orders. This advisory explains how to seek a stay with the immigration court, the Board of Immigration Appeals (BIA) and the U.S. courts of appeal. It also covers how to seek a stay of removal from the Department of Homeland Security (DHS).

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Watch Our Webinar: Adapting Evidence-Based Programs in Child Welfare

By | Child Abuse/Neglect Prevention, Child Well-Being, Foster Care, Highlighted Resources, Practice, Practice Highlight, Social Work, Social Workers

Watch Our Webinar: Adapting Evidence-Based Programs in Child Welfare

Annie E. Casey Foundation (3/26/2018)

The first webinar in a new series on implementing evidence-based practices in child welfare explores how child welfare leaders and program developers can work together to adapt an evidence-based approach to the specific needs of a state — and further hone the approach as it moves to another jurisdiction.

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Addressing Health Disparities in the Mental Health of Refugee Children and Adolescents Through Community-Based Participatory Research: A Study in 2 Communities

By | Child Well-Being, Culture: Issues & Competencies, Highlighted Resources, Immigrant Families Research, Immigrant Youth, Language Issues, Research, Research Highlight

Addressing Health Disparities in the Mental Health of Refugee Children and Adolescents Through Community-Based Participatory Research: A Study in 2 Communities

Theresa S. Betancourt, Rochelle Frounfelker, Tej Mishra, Aweis Hussein, and Rita Falzarano, American Journal of Public Health (June 3, 2015)

The researchers of this study sought to understand the problems, strengths, and help-seeking behaviors of Somali Bantu and Bhutanese refugees and determine local expressions of mental health problems among youths in both communities.

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Dignity Not Detention Coalition: Justice Department Lawsuit Signals Blatant Disregard for the Human Rights of Immigrants in Detention

By | Highlighted Resources, In the News, Law/Policy Highlight

Dignity Not Detention Coalition: Justice Department Lawsuit Signals Blatant Disregard for the Human Rights of Immigrants in Detention

Kemi Bello, ILRC (March, 1 2018)

In light of the Justice Department suing California over its ‘sanctuary state’ immigration laws, this resource serves to provide information about California’s AB 103 policy, and stresses the importance of the need for reform of detention centers in the US.

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Assumption of Risk: Legal Liabilities for Local Governments that Choose to Enforce Federal Immigration Laws

By | Federal Policy, Highlighted Resources, ICE, Immigration Enforcement, Law & Policy, Law/Policy Highlight, Legal/Law

Assumption of Risk: Legal Liabilities for Local Governments that Choose to Enforce Federal Immigration Laws

American Immigration Council, American Immigration Lawyers Association, National Immigrant Justice Center, National Immigration Law Center, Southern Poverty Law Center (March 6, 2018)

This report describes the legal liabilities local governments face when they honor ICE requests, known as “detainers,” to hold individuals past the completion of their criminal custody until immigration agents take them into administrative custody.

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The Language of the Classroom: Dual Language Learners in Head Start, Public Pre-K, and Private Preschool Programs

By | Child Well-Being, Early Childhood, Highlighted Resources, Immigrant Families Research, Language Issues, Research, Research Highlight

The Language of the Classroom: Dual Language Learners in Head Start, Public Pre-K, and Private Preschool Programs

Megina Baker and Mariela Páez, Migration Policy Institute (March 26, 2018)

This report examines how teachers in different types of programs—Head Start, public pre-K, and private preschool—use English and their students’ home languages to support their linguistic, academic, and socioemotional development.

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The Nebraska Foster Care Review Office Quarterly Report

By | Child Welfare System Research, Foster Care, Highlighted Resources, Research, Research Highlight, State Policies

The Nebraska Foster Care Review Office Quarterly Report

Nebraska Foster Care Review Office (March 1, 2018)

The latest report from Nebraska’s state Foster Care Review Office (FCRO) shows that nearly one in four children who exit the system are brought back into it a second time.

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Deportation Anxiety for Today’s Young Adults

By | Child Well-Being, Deportation, Immigrant Families Research, Immigrant Youth, Research Highlight, Trauma

Deportation Anxiety for Today’s Young Adults

Josephine Gurch, Hogg Foundation for Mental Health (Nov 17, 17)

The Hogg Foundation For Mental Health invited Dr. Zayas, someone who has presented previous research to the foundation, back to discuss deportation anxiety in light of DACA’s uncertain future, for their latest podcast.

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Know Your Parental Rights If You Are Arrested by ICE Inside the United States

By | Deportation, Detention, ICE, Immigration Enforcement, Practice, Practice Highlight, Youth & Families

Know Your Parental Rights If You Are Arrested by ICE Inside the United States

Women’s Refugee Commission  (March 3, 2018)

These fact sheets provide information and guidance in both English and Spanish about a parent’s rights in the event they are arrested by ICE in the interior of the U.S.

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We left one war and came to another: Resource loss, acculturative stress, and caregiver–child relationships in Somali refugee families.

By | Culture: Issues & Competencies, Research Highlight, Trauma

We left one war and came to another: Resource loss, acculturative stress, and caregiver–child relationships in Somali refugee families.

Betancourt, Theresa S. Abdi, Saida Ito, Brandon S. Lilienthal, Grace M. Agalab, Naima Ellis, Heidi, PsychNET (2015)

The aims of this research were to identify and examine strengths and resources utilized by Somali refugee children and families in the Boston area to overcome resettlement and acculturative stressors. Abstract only; Subscription required to access full article.

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