
After more than 40 years, the federal right to free education for immigrant students finds itself in the crosshairs of conservatives

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After more than 40 years, the federal right to free education for immigrant students finds itself in the crosshairs of conservatives

Tanya Sonenshine, The Conversation (July 18, 2024)

Many conservative politicians are seeking to overturn the 1982 Plyler v. Doe decision that has ensured the right to free education regardless of immigration status for over 40 years.

Convening on Legal Access & Addressing the Immigration Needs of Foster Children

By | Opportunities

Convening on Legal Access & Addressing the Immigration Needs of Foster Children

Rutgers Law School • June 14, 2024

On June 14th, 2024, Rutgers Law School and Casey Family Programs hosted a convening on legal access and addressing the immigration needs of foster children. The event brought together agency leaders, children’s attorneys, practitioners, and other stakeholders from nine jurisdictions with large numbers of immigrant children (AZ, NV, CO, CT, DC, ME, NC, TN, and WA). The goal was to begin a dialogue around best practices, innovations, and areas for improvement in serving immigrant children in the child welfare system, especially with respect to meeting their legal needs.

The event featured three panels. The first was a powerful lived experience panel, “Empowerment through Advocacy: Immigrant Youth Rights,” during which three youth shared about their experiences in the child welfare system, including the importance of legal representation and what is needed from caseworkers. A second panel, “Differing Models for Providing Legal Representation,” highlighted various approaches to providing legal representation to children in custody from New Jersey, New York City and the Children’s Law Center of California.

The third panel, “Aligning the Needs of Immigrant Children and Families with Child Welfare Principles,” was moderated by CICW Director, Dr. Kristina Lovato. This panel discussed the core principles of child welfare – safety, permanency, wellbeing – and highlighted some key tools and model approaches to help address children’s immigration needs. Rachel Konrad with Casey Family Programs shared about the importance of immigration legal supports and a new Immigration Referral Tool for caseworkers and child welfare attorneys. Meredith Pindar with the New Jersey Department of Children and Families discussed how NJ has enabled undocumented family members to become licensed as foster parents. Emily Steiner with the Arizona Department of Child Safety shared an agency perspective on how Arizona DCS is addressing barriers and challenges to serving immigrant children and families.

Convening participants also had the opportunity to engage in breakout sessions and discussions on opportunities and next steps toward enhancing engagement, service provision, and legal access for immigrant children in foster care. We extend our gratitude to Rutgers Law School, Casey Family Programs, and our group of steering committee members for all their hard work in creating this opportunity to bring folks together to dialogue and brainstorm on improving experiences and outcomes for immigrant children who touch the child welfare system.

Children at Risk at the Border: Evaluation of the Protection and Care of Unaccompanied Mexican Migrant Children

By | Immigrant Youth, Research, Research Highlight, Trauma, Unaccompanied Minors, Unaccompanied Minors Research

Children at Risk at the Border: Evaluation of the Protection and Care of Unaccompanied Mexican Migrant Children

Appleseed Mexico (April 2024)

This report highlights shortcomings in current practices surrounding the treatment of Mexican unaccompanied children at the U.S.-Mexico border and offers recommendations for improvement.

A Path to Evidence-Based Services for Unaccompanied Children

By | Research, Research Highlight, Unaccompanied Minors, Unaccompanied Minors Research

A Path to Evidence-Based Services for Unaccompanied Children

U.S. Committee for Refugees and Immigrants & Child Trends (May 2024)

This brief reviews the outcomes an evaluation of USCRI’s Home Study and Post-Release Services programs and provides recommendations on moving toward an evidence-based national model for Home Study and Post-Release Services for unaccompanied children.

Expanding Language Access in Federally Supported Programs: Practical Solutions for Persistent Problems

By | Federal Policy, Language Issues, Law & Policy, Law/Policy Highlight, Legal/Law

Expanding Language Access in Federally Supported Programs: Practical Solutions for Persistent Problems

Jacob Hofstetter & Margie McHugh, Migration Policy Institute (June 2024)

This policy brief reviews federal language access requirements, gaps in existing frameworks for ensuring language access, and recommendations for improvement.
