
Social Work

Working with Immigrant Families Who are Child Welfare System Involved

By | CICW Publications, Language Issues, Parental Interests Directive, Policy Briefs & Analyses, Social Work

Working with Immigrant Families Who are Child Welfare System Involved: Promoting Inclusive Practices & Policy Recommendations

Kristina Lovato & Sophia Sepp; Center on Immigration and Child Welfare (June 2024)

This policy brief highlights the various models child welfare agencies have developed to effectively serve immigrant children and families who touch the child welfare system and identifies policy and practice solutions to increase equitable service provision to this population.

Families Torn Apart: Language-Based Discrimination at the Massachusetts Department of Children and Families

By | Child Welfare System Research, Culture: Issues & Competencies, Language Issues, Research, Research Highlight, Social Work

Families Torn Apart: Language-Based Discrimination at the Massachusetts Department of Children and Families

Massachusetts Appleseed Center for Law & Justice (January 2021)

This reports explores research on the extent to which the Massachusetts Department of Children and Families (DCF) provided adequate language access to limited English proficient (LEP) individuals. Findings identified a failure to provide these federally mandated services and critical implications and disparities for the experiences of LEP families who become involved with DCF.

An examination of child welfare agency models that serve immigrant children and families

By | Child Welfare System Research, Culture: Issues & Competencies, Research, Social Work, State Policies

An examination of child welfare agency models that serve immigrant children and families

Kristina K. Lovato, Megan Finno-Velasquez, Sophia Sepp, Effie Clayton & Kelechi Chinyere Wright; Journal of Public Child Welfare (March 18, 2024)

This study examined child welfare system models for serving immigrant children and families. Findings highlight the importance of specialization of immigrant-related knowledge and skill sets, relationships with consulates and external stakeholders, and innovative engagement approaches.

Opportunities for Welcome: Lessons Learned for Supporting People Seeking Asylum in Chicago, Denver, New York City, and Portland, Maine

By | Immigrant Families Research, Immigration Enforcement, Research, Research Highlight, Social Work

Opportunities for Welcome: Lessons Learned for Supporting People Seeking Asylum in Chicago, Denver, New York City, and Portland, Maine

Women’s Refugee Commission (November 30, 2023)

Informed by research in NYC; Portland, Maine; Denver; and Chicago, this report provides recommendations on policies and practices to support people seeking asylum and other vulnerable populations.
