
Language Issues

Growing Language Skills with Immigrant and Refugee Families: Spreading and Adapting 2Gen Working Practices

By | Language Issues, Legal/Law, Practice, Social Work, Youth & Families

Growing Language Skills with Immigrant and Refugee Families: Spreading and Adapting 2Gen Working Practices

Aspen Institute Community Strategies Group, Migration Policy Institute, and Higher Heights Consulting (April 2022)

This brief is the third of four that explore practices that service organizations are using to provide 2Gen services to immigrant and refugee families. This brief examines interventions that aim to overcome language barriers and support language acquisition for immigrant families who speak a language other than English at home, focusing on 2 primary strategies: 1) providing culturally responsive and linguistically accessible services, and 2) offering language-learning programs that meet the needs of children and their parents.

The Impacts on English Learners of Key State High School Policies and Graduation Requirements

By | Immigrant Families Research, Immigrant Youth, Language Issues, Research, Research Highlight, Social Work

The Impacts on English Learners of Key State High School Policies and Graduation Requirements

Julie Sugarman,  Migration Policy Institute (November 2021)

This research report discusses how state policies around high school completion may have an impact on English Learners (ELs) education. It also discusses opportunities to ensure ELs are provided access to a high-quality education, while still allowing the schools flexibility to accommodate local needs.

Best Practices for Child Welfare in Working with Families with Immigrant Members

By | Child Well-Being, Deportation, Detention, Foster Care, Highlighted Resources, ICE, Language Issues, Practice Highlight, Social Work, Social Workers

Best Practices for Child Welfare in Working with Families with Immigrant Members

Migration Policy Institute & American Public Human Services Association (November 2021)

This practice guide provides recommendations and steps child welfare agencies can take to improve how they address the needs of immigrant families and promote child well-being.

Growing Language Skills with Immigrant Families: Spreading and Adapting 2Gen Working Practices

By | Culture: Issues & Competencies, Language Issues, Practice, Practice Highlight, Social Work, Social Workers

Growing Language Skills with Immigrant Families: Spreading and Adapting 2Gen Working Practices

The Aspen Institute (October 14, 2021)

This webinar discusses different approaches used to help grow language skills in the immigrant community.

Watch the Webinar

How Systemic Inequities in Language Access are Impacting Asian, Pacific Islander, and African Immigrant and Refugee Communities During the Pandemic

By | Child Well-Being, Culture: Issues & Competencies, Immigrant Families Research, Language Issues, Research Highlight

How Systemic Inequities in Language Access are Impacting Asian, Pacific Islander, and African Immigrant and Refugee Communities During the Pandemic

 Derek Lin, MPH, Research and Policy Analyst, New Mexico Voices for Children and Judy Barnstone, Ph.D., Associate Professor, New Mexico Highlands University (August 2021)

This report documents the findings of a mixed-method study exploring language access-related challenges experienced by refugee and immigrant communities in New Mexico during the pandemic.

Strengthening Services for Unaccompanied Children in U.S. Communities

By | Child Well-Being, Immigrant Youth, Immigration Relief, Language Issues, Research Highlight, Trauma, Unaccompanied Minors, Unaccompanied Minors Research

Strengthening Services for Unaccompanied Children in U.S. Communities

Mark Greenberg, Kylie Grow, Stephanie Heredia, Kira Monin and Essey Workie; Migration Policy Institute (June 2021)

This report reviews federal post-release services for unaccompanied minors and highlights ongoing gaps in meeting these children’s needs. It also provides recommendations for the Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR), state and local governments, and community providers in order to improve outcomes for unaccompanied minors.

Ending the Invisibility of Dual Language Learners in Early Childhood Systems A Framework for DLL Identification

By | Culture: Issues & Competencies, Early Childhood, Language Issues, Law & Policy, Law/Policy Highlight, State Policies, State Policy

Ending the Invisibility of Dual Language Learners in Early Childhood Systems A Framework for DLL Identification

Maki Park & Delia Pompa, Migration Policy Institute (May 2021)

This policy brief provides a framework of the essential elements that should be included to create standardized and comprehensive processes for identifying and tracking Dual Language Learners within early childhood systems.

Resources for Immigrants, Parents and Educators During COVID-19 Crisis

By | Culture: Issues & Competencies, Language Issues, Parenting, Practice, Practice Highlight, Social Work, Youth & Families

Resources For Immigrants, Parents and Educators During COVID-19 Crisis

The Immigration Learning Center (n.d.)

This comprehensive list provided by the Immigration Learning Center includes a variety of resources in different categories that could be useful to immigrants, parents, and educators during the COVID-19 pandemic.
