
Language Issues

Prácticas Inclusivas e Informadas sobre el Trauma con Inmigrantes: Una Serie de Capacitaciones para Profesionales y Organizaciones Comunitarias

By | Culture: Issues & Competencies, Immigration Relief, Language Issues, New CICW Resources, Social Work, Spanish Resources, Training & Tools, Trainings, Trauma

Prácticas Inclusivas e Informadas sobre el Trauma con Inmigrantes: Una Serie de Capacitaciones para Profesionales y Organizaciones Comunitarias

Center on Immigration and Child Welfare, NMSU School of Social Work (December 2024)

Este es un curso asincrónico en línea de 5 módulos a su propio ritmo, que explora cómo las organizaciones de servicios y los profesionales pueden implementar políticas y prácticas para aumentar la inclusión de las familias inmigrantes, y cómo la práctica informada sobre el trauma se puede adaptar para abordar las experiencias únicas de las familias inmigrantes. También incluye la discusión de un modelo para implementar navegadores especialistas en inmigrantes dentro de las organizaciones. 6 CEU de obra social cultural gratuitas disponibles. Obtenga más información aquí: o inscríbase en el enlace de arriba.

From Congregate to Community-Based Care: Strengthening Reunification and Support of Unaccompanied Children

By | Child Well-Being, Detention, Foster Care, Immigrant Youth, Language Issues, Research, Trauma, Unaccompanied Minors, Unaccompanied Minors Research

From Congregate to Community-Based Care: Strengthening Reunification and Support of Unaccompanied Children

Lauren Heidbrink, Women’s Refugee Commission (October 30, 2024)

This report and advocacy brief detail the findings of a study examining family reunification policies and practices for unaccompanied children in federal custody and provide recommendations related to the care environment, ORR family finding and placement procedures, and follow-up supports for reunited families.

Learning Brief: Serving Diverse Refugee & Immigrant Youth & Young Adult (YYA) Populations

By | Culture: Issues & Competencies, Immigrant Youth, Immigration Relief, Language Issues, Practice, Practice Highlight, Social Work, Social Workers

Learning Brief: Serving Diverse Refugee & Immigrant Youth & Young Adult (YYA) Populations

International Rescue Committee (September 25, 2024)

This learning brief for service providers working with youth and young adult (YYA) immigrants reviews YYA experiences, immigration statuses and opportunities, and best practices for creating culturally and linguistically accessible programs.

Immigrant Inclusive, Trauma-Informed Practices with Immigrants: A Training Series for Community Practitioners and Organizations

By | Culture: Issues & Competencies, Immigration Relief, Language Issues, New CICW Resources, Social Work, Spanish Resources, Training & Tools, Trainings, Trauma

Immigrant Inclusive, Trauma-Informed Practices with Immigrants: A Training Series for Community Practitioners and Organizations

Center on Immigration and Child Welfare, NMSU School of Social Work (September 2024)

This 5-module online asynchronous, self-paced course explores how service organizations and practitioners can implement policies and practices to increase inclusivity of immigrant families, and how trauma-informed practice can be tailored to address the unique experiences of immigrant families. It also includes discussion of a model for implementing immigrant specialist navigators within organizations. 6 free cultural social work CEUs available. Learn more here: or enroll at the link above.

Kids in Care: Unaccompanied Children in Federal Government Custody

By | Child Well-Being, Detention, Foster Care, Immigrant Youth, Language Issues, Research, Safety, Trauma, Unaccompanied Minors, Unaccompanied Minors Research

Kids in Care: Unaccompanied Children in Federal Government Custody

Lauren Heidbrink & Sarah Diaz, Loyola University Chicago (September 2024)

This report details findings and recommendations from an 18-month interdisciplinary study that explored the conditions of care for unaccompanied children in federal custody.

Expanding Language Access in Federally Supported Programs: Practical Solutions for Persistent Problems

By | Federal Policy, Language Issues, Law & Policy, Law/Policy Highlight, Legal/Law

Expanding Language Access in Federally Supported Programs: Practical Solutions for Persistent Problems

Jacob Hofstetter & Margie McHugh, Migration Policy Institute (June 2024)

This policy brief reviews federal language access requirements, gaps in existing frameworks for ensuring language access, and recommendations for improvement.

Working with Immigrant Families Who are Child Welfare System Involved

By | CICW Publications, Language Issues, New CICW Resources, Parental Interests Directive, Policy Briefs & Analyses, Social Work

Working with Immigrant Families Who are Child Welfare System Involved: Promoting Inclusive Practices & Policy Recommendations

Kristina Lovato & Sophia Sepp; Center on Immigration and Child Welfare (June 2024)

This policy brief highlights the various models child welfare agencies have developed to effectively serve immigrant children and families who touch the child welfare system and identifies policy and practice solutions to increase equitable service provision to this population.

Supporting Immigrant and Refugee Families through Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health Services

By | Child Well-Being, Culture: Issues & Competencies, Early Childhood, Federal Policy, Language Issues, Law & Policy, Law/Policy Highlight, State Policy, Trauma

Supporting Immigrant and Refugee Families through Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health Services

Maki Park, Lillie Hinkle, Katherine Habben and Emma Heidorn, Migration Policy Institute (April 2024)

This issue brief reviews the importance of infant and early childhood mental health services for immigrant and refugee families, identifies gaps impacting service access and use, and highlights opportunities to improve access to and the relevance of these services for immigrant families. 
