
Immigration Relief

Women’s Refugee Commission Intake Process for Removed Parents

By | Child Well-Being, Deportation, Detention, Family Separation, ICE, Immigrant Youth, Immigration Enforcement, Immigration Relief, Legal Professionals, Legal/Law, Practice Highlight, Social Work, Social Workers, Spanish Resources, Youth & Families

Women’s Refugee Commission Intake Process for Removed Parents

WRC (July 2018)

The WRC’s intake form can be used to collect key information that can help removed parents connect to legal resources and other needed assistance. Questions highlighted in yellow are particular to the ACLU lawsuit; the form includes specific consents to share information with the ACLU and/or with WRC if there is interest in doing so. If you are helping a parent complete the form, please make sure you record their consent as desired. Completed forms may be sent to, or uploaded to the Dropbox account noted on the form. Questions may also be directed to

Spanish Intake FormEnglish Intake Form

Case Update: The Domestic Violence Deportation Ground

By | Deportation, Federal Policy, Immigration Enforcement, Immigration Relief, Law & Policy, Legal/Law

Case Update: The Domestic Violence Deportation Ground

Kathy Brady, ILRC (June 2018)

The domestic violence deportation ground at INA § 237(a)(2)(E) sets out four bases for deportability. This advisory will provide a brief overview of the deportation ground, and outline recent decisions and how they may affect representation in California and the Ninth Circuit.

A-B Action Toolkit

By | Culture: Issues & Competencies, Deportation, Detention, Highlighted Resources, Immigration Enforcement, Immigration Relief, Legal/Law, Practice, Practice Highlight, Resources, Social Work, Social Workers, Youth & Families

A-B Action Toolkit

Center for Gender & Refugee Studies (May 17, 2018)

The Center for Gender & Refugee Studies is asking advocates nationwide to raise their voices to ensure our nation upholds protections for asylum seekers. Along with several allies, they have just released an action toolkit that includes sample social media posts and graphics, as well as a template press release/op-ed that can be tailored to align with your individual or your organization’s mission.

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Practice Advisory: Stays of Removal for DACA Recipients with Removal Orders

By | Highlighted Resources, Immigrant Youth, Immigration Relief, Legal Professionals, Legal/Law, Practice, Practice Highlight, State Policies

Practice Advisory: Stays of Removal for DACA Recipients with Removal Orders

CLINIC (March 9, 2018)

The purpose of this practice advisory is to assist practitioners filing stays of removal for those DACA recipients who have prior removal orders. This advisory explains how to seek a stay with the immigration court, the Board of Immigration Appeals (BIA) and the U.S. courts of appeal. It also covers how to seek a stay of removal from the Department of Homeland Security (DHS).

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Immigration Enforcement & Child Welfare

By | Child Well-Being, Family Separation, ICE, Immigrant Youth, Immigration Enforcement, Immigration Relief, Legal/Law, Practice Highlight, Safety, Social Work, Social Workers, State Policies, Unaccompanied Minors

Immigration Enforcement & Child Welfare

Immigrant Legal Resource Center (Dec 11, 2017)

This resource for child welfare social workers provides updates on immigration policy affecting children and families, discusses how immigration enforcement impacts the child welfare system, describes protections that exist to help keep immigrant families intact, and provides resources for social workers to support and work more effectively with immigrant families.

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Intersection of Immigration with Child Welfare and Juvenile Justice Systems

By | CICW Publications, Foster Care, Highlighted Resources, Immigrant Youth, Immigration Enforcement, Immigration Relief, Legal/Law, Reports, Resources, Social Work, State Policies

Intersection of Immigration with Child Welfare and Juvenile Justice Systems: A Review of Research, Policy, and Practice

Megan Finno-Velasquez, Ph.D. and Jill K. Pardini, MPP, CICW and AECF (March 15, 2018)

This report reviews existing literature on immigrant children and families who encounter the child welfare and/or juvenile justice systems to assess the needs, current relevant policies and practices, and existing gaps in research related to this population.

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ABA Legal Fact Check: Confused About ‘Chain Migration’? Here’s How It Works

By | Federal Policy, Immigration Relief, Law & Policy, Law/Policy Highlight, Legal/Law

ABA Legal Fact Check: Confused About ‘Chain Migration’? Here’s How It Works

American Bar Association/Law and Crime (March 5, 2018)

This fact checking piece by the ABA examines the meaning and origin of the term “chain migration” and how it is being used today to shape the public’s view of immigrant families coming to the U.S.

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Changes to “Public Charge” Instructions in the U.S. State Department’s Manual

By | Federal Policy, Immigration Relief, Law & Policy, Law/Policy Highlight, Legal/Law

Changes to “Public Charge” Instructions in the U.S. State Department’s Manual

National Immigration Law Center (Feb 8, 2018)

The Foreign Affairs Manual (FAM) provides instructions that officials in U.S. embassies and consulates abroad use to make decisions about whether to grant non–U.S. citizens permission to enter the U.S. This resource provides information about recent changes to the FAM.

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The Trump Administration’s “Public Charge” Attack on Immigrant Families

By | Child Well-Being, Federal Policy, Immigration Relief, Law & Policy, Law/Policy Highlight, Legal/Law

The Trump Administration’s “Public Charge” Attack on Immigrant Families

Jenny Rejeske (NILC) and Madison Hardee (CLASP), National Immigration Law Center (Jan 2018)

A fact sheet addressing anticipated regulations forcing millions of families to choose between the denial of status (or even deportation) and public benefits.

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