
Family Separation

Resources for Families Facing Deportation and Separation

By | Deportation, Detention, Family Separation, Highlighted Resources, ICE, Immigration Enforcement, Legal Professionals, Parental Interests Directive, Practice, Practice Highlight, Social Workers, Spanish Resources, Topics, Youth & Families

Resources for Families Facing Deportation and Separation

Women’s Refugee Commission (Updated )

These guides and reports provide information about family separation, safety planning, and child welfare for families facing detention and deportation. The documents provide tools for preventing family separation and resources for families caught between the immigration and child welfare systems. Available in English and Spanish.

“We Need to Take Away Children”: Zero Accountability Six Years After “Zero Tolerance”

By | Family Separation, Immigrant Families Research, Immigration Enforcement, Research, Research Highlight

“We Need to Take Away Children”: Zero Accountability Six Years After “Zero Tolerance”

Michael Garcia Bochenek, Human Rights Watch (December 16, 2024)

This new report provides an in-depth look into the consequences of the first Trump administration’s zero tolerance policy, and finds that the resulting forcible family separations were an intentional, targeted policy choice despite knowledge of the inevitable human suffering.

Practical Solutions that Protect Unaccompanied Children Seeking Safety

By | Child Well-Being, Family Separation, Federal Policy, Immigrant Youth, Immigration Enforcement, Law & Policy, Law/Policy Highlight, Legal/Law, Safety, Unaccompanied Minors

Practical Solutions that Protect Unaccompanied Children Seeking Safety

Kids in Needs of Defense (September 24, 2024)

This blueprint reviews issues and policies impacting unaccompanied children and provides recommendations the U.S. government can take to improve child protection and well-being.

Cruel Indifference: Family Separation at the U.S.-Mexico Border Before and After Zero Tolerance

By | Family Separation, Immigrant Families Research, Immigration Enforcement, Research, Research Highlight

Cruel Indifference: Family Separation at the U.S.-Mexico Border Before and After Zero Tolerance

Immigrants’ Rights Policy Clinic, UCLA School of Law (June 2024)

This white paper explores two misconceptions: 1) that family separations at the U.S.-Mexico border began under the Trump administration; and 2) that they ended with the election of President Biden, arguing that family separation has been a longtime feature of CBP enforcement, and continues today.

Through Iceboxes and Kennels: How Immigration Detention Harms Children and Families

By | Child Well-Being, Detention, Family Separation, Immigration Enforcement, Toolkits, Handbooks, Guides & Books, Trauma

Through Iceboxes and Kennels: How Immigration Detention Harms Children and Families

Luis Zayas, Oxford University Press (May 2023)

This book reviews the history and politics of immigration enforcement and detention centers operated by private prison companies, featuring the stories of children and parents and highlighting the negatives impacts to children’s growth and development.

Family Separation and Reunification Under President Trump’s Zero-Tolerance Policy

By | Family Separation, Immigrant Youth, Immigration Enforcement, Legal/Law, Research, Research Highlight, Unaccompanied Minors, Unaccompanied Minors Research

Family Separation and Reunification Under President Trump’s Zero-Tolerance Policy

Catalina Amuedo-Dorantes and José R. Bucheli, International Migration Review (June 8, 2023)

This article examines the impacts of the Zero Tolerance Policy on unaccompanied minors, including their numbers, time in ORR custody, and likelihood of family reunification.

“It felt like hitting rock bottom”: A qualitative exploration of the mental health impacts of immigration enforcement and discrimination on US-citizen, Mexican children

By | Child Well-Being, Deportation, Family Separation, Immigrant Families Research, Immigration Enforcement, Research, Research Highlight, Trauma

“It felt like hitting rock bottom”: A qualitative exploration of the mental health impacts of immigration enforcement and discrimination on US-citizen, Mexican children

Jamile Tellez Lieberman, Carmen R. Valdez, Jessie Kemmick Pintor, Philippe Weisz, Amy Carroll-Scott, Kevin Wagner & Ana P. Martinez-Donate; Latino Studies (May 15, 2023)

This qualitative study examines children’s experiences of discrimination, parental deportation or threat thereof, and perceived impacts on mental health, and revealed detrimental impacts to their psychological well-being.
