
Culture: Issues & Competencies

Working with Immigrant Children and Families: A Practice Model

By | Child Well-Being, Culture: Issues & Competencies, Immigrant Youth, Resources, Social Work, State Policies, Toolkits, Handbooks, Guides & Books, Training & Tools, Trainings

Working with Immigrant Children and Families: A Practice Model

Georgia Department of Human Resources (January 2009)

This training curriculum was developed by the State of Georgia, Department of Human Resources, Division of Family & Children Services, in collaboration with the Georgia State University School of Social Work. The training was developed for use in public child welfare agencies and other non-profit child welfare agencies. Materials include a Trainer’s Guide and a Participant Guide.

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The Intersection of Migration and Child Welfare

By | Child Well-Being, Culture: Issues & Competencies, Immigrant Youth, Protecting Children Journals, Social Work, Trauma

The Intersection of Migration and Child Welfare: Emerging Issues and Implications

Protecting Children (Vol. 22, No. 2, 2007)

The six articles contained in this volume addressed violence in immigrant families, tools to assist with culturally competent child welfare practice, issues for public child welfare administrators, Latino children of immigrants in the Texas child welfare system, and immigrant children in federal custody and the obstacles associated with their involvement.

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Sample Article: Latino Children of Immigrants in the Texas Child Welfare System

By | Child Well-Being, Culture: Issues & Competencies, Immigrant Youth, Protecting Children Journals, Social Work, Trauma


Latino Children of Immigrants in the Texas Child Welfare System

Protecting Children (Vol. 22, No. 2, 2007)

Tracy Vericker, MPA, Daniel Keuhn, BA, & Randy Capps, PhD

The distinctive characteristics and experiences of immigrant families have significant implications for child welfare practice and the outcomes for families involved with child welfare authorities. This article presents the results of a study that uses a unique dataset, composed of child welfare administrative data matched to birth records from Texas, to assess differences in the child welfare outcomes for children of immigrants and those for natives.

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Raising Children in a New Country – An Illustrated Handbook

By | Child Abuse/Neglect Prevention, Child Well-Being, Culture: Issues & Competencies, Early Childhood, Parenting, Practice, Resources, Safety, Youth & Families

Raising Children in a New Country – An Illustrated Handbook

Bridging Refugee Youth & Children’s Services (2007)

This booklet, available in multiple languages and geared toward parents with low levels of English proficiency and/or low literacy levels, provides immigrant parents with basic information about U.S. laws and parenting practices.

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Sample Article: The Impact of Migration and Acculturation on Latino Children and Families

By | Child Well-Being, Culture: Issues & Competencies, Immigrant Youth, Protecting Children Journals, Social Work, Trauma

Sample Article:

The Impact of Migration and Acculturation on Latino Children and Families: Implications for Child Welfare Practice

Protecting Children (Vol. 21, No. 2, 2006)

Alan J. Dettlaff, PhD, & Joan R. Rycraft, PhD

The growth of the Latino immigrant population in the United States requires that child welfare agencies examine and adapt their practices to ensure that they respond to the specific issues experienced by recent immigrants.

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Sample Article: Migration: A Critical Issue for Child Welfare

By | Child Well-Being, Culture: Issues & Competencies, Immigrant Youth, Protecting Children Journals, Social Work, Trauma

Sample Article:

Migration: A Critical Issue for Child Welfare

Protecting Children (Vol. 21, No. 2, 2006)

Sonia Velazquez, CSS, Maria Vidal de Haymes, PhD, & Robert Mindell, BA

This volume of Protecting Children addresses child welfare concerns related to a topic that is complex and controversial—and which is dominating the headlines of our national media.

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Migration: A Critical Issue for Child Welfare

By | Child Well-Being, Culture: Issues & Competencies, Immigrant Youth, Protecting Children Journals, Social Work, Trauma

Migration: A Critical Issue for Child Welfare

Protecting Children (Vol. 21, No. 2, 2006)

Topics in this issue include the impact of migration and acculturation on Latino children and families, risk of affective disorders in the migration and acculturation experiences of Mexican migrants, and Latino parenting styles.

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Culturally Competent Practice with Latino Children and Families

By | Child Well-Being, Culture: Issues & Competencies, Immigrant Youth, Immigration Relief, Resources, Social Work, State Policies, Toolkits, Handbooks, Guides & Books, Training & Tools, Trainings

Culturally Competent Practice with Latino Children and Families

Alan J. Dettlaff, PhD, Jane Addams College of Social Work, University of Illinois at Chicago; Cecilia L. Thomas, PhD, Department of Rehabilitation, Social Work, and Addictions, University of North Texas; Harriet L. Cohen, PhD, Department of Social Work, Texas Christian University; and Teresa Buehler, LCSW, Curriculum Consultant (2005)

This training curriculum was developed for use in the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services. The goal of the curriculum is to build competency for practice with Latino children and families using a Systems of Care model. Although the curriculum addresses Latino families broadly, it contains an emphasis on immigrant families. The development of the curriculum was funded by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families, Children’s Bureau.

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