
Toolkits, Handbooks, Guides & Books

Guide for Detained and Removed Parents with Child Custody Concerns

By | Child Well-Being, Deportation, Detention, Family Separation, Foster Care, ICE, Immigration Enforcement, Kinship Care, Legal/Law, Parental Interests Directive, Parenting, Practice, Resources, Toolkits, Handbooks, Guides & Books, Training & Tools, Youth & Families

Guide for Detained and Removed Parents with Child Custody Concerns

Women’s Refugee Commission (June 2014)

Coinciding with the release of ICE’s Directive on Facilitating Parental Interests in the Course of Civil Immigration Enforcement Activities, the Women’s Refugee Commission has released a two-page guide for detained and deported parents with child custody concerns. This guide, which ICE will make available in all immigration detention facilities housing adults for more than 72 hours, provides parents with steps they can take to protect their parental rights; information on family court proceedings, parent-child visitation, and coordinating care of children; as well as helpful ICE resources for detainees.

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Living in the United States: A Guide for Immigrant Youth

By | Adoption, Child Well-Being, Immigrant Youth, Immigration Relief, Legal/Law, Practice, Resources, Safety, Spanish Resources, Special Immigrant Juvenile Status (SIJS), Toolkits, Handbooks, Guides & Books, Training & Tools, Youth & Families

Living in the United States: A Guide for Immigrant Youth

Immigrant Legal Resource Center (2014)

This resource is designed to help both documented and undocumented immigrant youth know their rights. Topics include Do You Know Your Immigration Status, 10 Things Every Undocumented Youth Should Know, 11 Things Every Youth with A Green Card Should Know, DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals), and DAPA (Deferred Action for Parental Accountability).

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Screening for Human Trafficking: Guidelines for Administering the Traffic Victim Identification Tool

By | Immigration Relief, Legal Professionals, Legal/Law, Practice, Resources, Social Work, Social Workers, Toolkits, Handbooks, Guides & Books, Trauma

Screening for Human Trafficking: Guidelines for Administering the Traffic Victim Identification Tool

Vera Institute of Justice (June 2014)

This manual is intended mainly for victim service agency staff and other social service
providers, who will administer the Trafficking Victim Identification Tool (TVIT) to clients who are
potential trafficking victims.

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What If I’m Picked Up By I.C.E. In Arizona? Making A Family Plan: Preparing For the Possibility of Being Detained, Deported, and Separated from Your Children

By | Child Abuse/Neglect Prevention, Deportation, Detention, Family Separation, ICE, Immigration Enforcement, Kinship Care, Legal/Law, Parenting, Practice, Resources, State Policies, Toolkits, Handbooks, Guides & Books, Training & Tools, Youth & Families

What If I’m Picked Up By I.C.E. In Arizona? Making A Family Plan: Preparing For the Possibility of Being Detained, Deported, and Separated from Your Children

Steptoe & Johnson LLP and The Florence Immigrant and Refugee Rights Project (2014)

Created by Barbara Kagan, Lindsay Marshall, Lauren Dasse, Laurie Melrood, and Cindy Schlosser, this English language manual provides guidance for immigrant parents in Arizona on developing a plan to protect their parental rights in the event that they are apprehended by ICE.

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¿Y qué si me agarra y me arresta el I.C.E. en Arizona?

By | Child Abuse/Neglect Prevention, Deportation, Detention, Family Separation, ICE, Immigration Enforcement, Kinship Care, Legal/Law, Parenting, Practice, Safety, Spanish Resources, Toolkits, Handbooks, Guides & Books, Training & Tools, Youth & Families

¿Y qué si me agarra y me arresta el I.C.E. en Arizona?

Desarollando un Plan de Familia: Una Guia de Preparación de Familia Contra la Posibilidad de Estar Detenido, o Ser Deportado, y Quedar Separado de Sus Hijos/as

Steptoe & Johnson LLP and The Florence Immigrant and Refugee Rights Project (2014)

Created by Barbara Kagan, Lindsay Marshall, Lauren Dasse, Laurie Melrood, and Cindy Schlosser, this Spanish language manual provides guidance for immigrant parents in Arizona on developing a plan to protect their parental rights in the event that they are apprehended by ICE.

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Child Migration and Human Rights in a Global Age

By | Immigrant Youth, Legal/Law, Toolkits, Handbooks, Guides & Books, Training & Tools, Unaccompanied Minors

Child Migration and Human Rights in a Global Age

Princeton University Press (2014)

Child Migration and Human Rights in a Global Age provides a comprehensive account of the widespread and growing but neglected global phenomenon of child migration and child trafficking.

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Migrant Youth, Transnational Families, and the State Care and Contested Interests

By | Child Maltreatment, Child Well-Being, Detention, Immigrant Youth, Legal/Law, Research Highlight, Social Work, Toolkits, Handbooks, Guides & Books, Training & Tools, Unaccompanied Minors

Migrant Youth, Transnational Families, and the State Care and Contested Interests

University of Pennsylvania Press (2014)

Through interviews with children and their families, attorneys, social workers, policy-makers, law enforcement, and diplomats, anthropologist Lauren Heidbrink foregrounds the voices of migrant children and youth who must navigate the legal and emotional terrain of U.S. immigration policy.

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Raising Young Children in a New Country: Supporting Early Learning & Healthy Development

By | Child Abuse/Neglect Prevention, Child Well-Being, Culture: Issues & Competencies, Early Childhood, Immigrant Youth, Immigration Relief, Parenting, Practice, Resources, Safety, Spanish Resources, Toolkits, Handbooks, Guides & Books, Training & Tools, Youth & Families

Raising Young Children in a New Country: Supporting Early Learning & Healthy Development

Bridging Refugee Youth & Children’s Services (2013)

This illustrated handbook provides immigrant and refugee families with information about topics such as: family well-being, safety and protection, guidance and discipline, healthy brain development, early learning and school readiness, and connecting to early care and education. It is available in multiple languages.

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Keeping Safe! Bilingual Safety Guides for Children and Teens

By | Child Well-Being, Culture: Issues & Competencies, Immigrant Youth, Legal/Law, Practice, Resources, Safety, Spanish Resources, Toolkits, Handbooks, Guides & Books, Training & Tools, Unaccompanied Minors, Youth & Families

Keeping Safe! Bilingual Safety Guides for Children and Teens

Bridging Refugee Youth and Children’s Services (2013)

These children’s and teenager’s guides to personal safety were created for unaccompanied youth to help them stay safe and know their rights in the U.S.

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A Child Welfare Flowchart

By | Child Abuse/Neglect Prevention, Child Well-Being, CICW Publications, CICW Toolkits, Handbooks, Guides & Books, Family Separation, Foster Care, Kinship Care, Practice, Resources, Safety, Social Work, Social Workers, Special Immigrant Juvenile Status (SIJS), Toolkits, Handbooks, Guides & Books

A Child Welfare Flowchart

A Social Worker’s Toolkit for Working With Immigrant Families

(August 2009)

This toolkit illustrates how and when immigration issues may arise during the chronology of a child welfare case. The flowchart begins at the point of a maltreatment report and continues through assessment, diversion or intervention, removal, dependency issues, and permanency planning.

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