

An Overview of USCIS’s New SIJS Regulations

By | Immigrant Youth, Immigration Relief, Legal Professionals, Legal/Law, Practice, Practice Highlight, Special Immigrant Juvenile Status (SIJS)

An Overview of USCIS’s New SIJS Regulations

Rachel Prandini, Immigrant Legal Resource Center (January 23, 2023)

This practice advisory reviews new Special immigrant juvenile status (SIJS) petition regulations, including policy changes on evidentiary requirements, marital status, getting updates on petitions, and more.

Responding to Trauma in Immigrant Children

By | Child Well-Being, Detention, Family Separation, Highlighted Resources, Immigrant Youth, Practice, Practice Highlight, Safety, Social Work, Social Workers, Trauma

Responding to Trauma in Immigrant Children

National Press Foundation (February 9, 2023)

This webinar reviews different forms of trauma, trauma responses, and how to identify symptoms in a child, with a focus on the traumatic experiences immigrant children may face and how to respond as a practitioner.

Striving for Equity for Young Children of Immigrants with Disabilities

By | Child Well-Being, Culture: Issues & Competencies, Practice, Practice Highlight, Social Work, Social Workers

Striving for Equity for Young Children of Immigrants with Disabilities

Dr. Cady Landa, Global Family Research Project (October 25, 2021)

This webpage discusses considerations and recommendations for working with children of immigrants with disabilities and provides a resource with links to additional research, frameworks, practices, and recommendations.

New Priority Released: Supporting Immigrant Youth & Children in Foster Care

By | Culture: Issues & Competencies, Foster Care, Immigrant Youth, Practice, Social Work, Social Workers

New Priority Released: Supporting Immigrant Youth & Children in Foster Care

National Foster Care Youth & Alumni Policy Council (December 2022)

The National Foster Care Youth & Alumni Policy Council has released a new set of priorities to improve support to immigrant youth and children who experience foster care based on a recent survey of youth who have navigated both systems.

Trafficking Prevention and Protection Resources for Working with Unaccompanied Children

By | Immigrant Youth, Practice, Practice Highlight, Safety, Social Work, Social Workers, Training & Tools, Trainings, Unaccompanied Minors

Trafficking Prevention and Protection Resources for Working with Unaccompanied Children

Office on Trafficking in Persons (n.d.)

This webpage provides various resources for responding to human trafficking concerns among unaccompanied minors, including trainings, screening and reporting guidance, and prevention and awareness resources.

Responding to Human Trafficking among Children and Youth in Foster Care and Missing from Foster Care

By | Foster Care, Immigrant Youth, Legal/Law, Practice, Practice Highlight, Safety, Social Work, Social Workers, Training & Tools, Trainings, Unaccompanied Minors

Responding to Human Trafficking among Children and Youth in Foster Care and Missing from Foster Care

Administration for Children and Families (December 1, 2022)

This memorandum provides information and links to resources on how to respond to human trafficking concerns for children and youth in foster care, including resources and training related to foreign national minors.

Inclusive Practice with Immigrant Families: A Guide for Service Organizations and Practitioners

By | CICW Publications, CICW Toolkits, Handbooks, Guides & Books, Culture: Issues & Competencies, ICE, Immigration Enforcement, Language Issues, Legal/Law, Practice, Social Work, Social Workers, Trauma

Inclusive Practice with Immigrant Families: A Guide for Service Organizations and Practitioners

Anayeli Lopez, Megan Finno-Velasquez, and Sophia Sepp; Center on Immigration and Child Welfare (December 2022)

This guide draws from the findings of the Strengthening Border Families study to provide recommendations for service organizations and practitioners on policies and practices to increase inclusivity of immigrant families and their unique needs and experiences.

The New Mexico Children, Youth & Families Department Immigration Unit: A Model for Child Welfare & Juvenile Justice Systems Serving Immigrant Children and Their Families

By | CICW Publications, CICW Toolkits, Handbooks, Guides & Books, Detention, Immigrant Youth, Immigration Relief, Language Issues, Legal/Law, Practice, Social Work, Social Workers, State Policies, Transnational Resources, Unaccompanied Minors

The New Mexico Children, Youth & Families Department Immigration Unit: A Model for Child Welfare & Juvenile Justice Systems Serving Immigrant Children and Their Families

Center on Immigration & Child Welfare and New Mexico Children, Youth & Families Department (November 2022)

This resource provides an overview of the key services and activities of the NM Children, Youth & Families Department Immigration Unit as a model and guide for child welfare and juvenile justice systems serving immigrant children and families. It is also available in Spanish here.

Fact Sheet for Child Welfare & Guardianship Stakeholders: ICE Policies and Standards Related to Detained Parents & Legal Guardians

By | Highlighted Resources, Practice, Social Workers

Fact Sheet for Child Welfare & Guardianship Stakeholders: ICE Policies and Standards Related to Detained Parents & Legal Guardians

U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (October 1, 2022)

This factsheet on the newly revised Parental Interest Directive provides info on detained parents’ and/or guardians’ rights to maintain contact with and make decisions for their children and to participate in any related court or child welfare proceedings.

