

Navigating Reunification Challenges: A Toolkit For Sponsors Of Unaccompanied Minors

By | Child Well-Being, Immigrant Youth, Practice, Practice Highlight, Unaccompanied Minors, Youth & Families

Navigating Reunification Challenges: A Toolkit For Sponsors Of Unaccompanied Minors

Hannah M. Gill & Marissa Barrera, LCSW; American Bar Association: Children’s Immigration Law Academy (2022)

This toolkit provides tips, resources, and guided practices on a variety of topics to assist sponsors of unaccompanied children in navigating the complex reunification process.

Girasol Resources for Immigrant Children, Families, and Advocates

By | Child Well-Being, Immigrant Youth, Practice, Practice Highlight, Social Work, Social Workers, Spanish Resources, Trauma, Unaccompanied Minors, Youth & Families

Girasol Resources for Immigrant Children, Families, and Advocates

Girasol Texas, University of Texas at Austin Steve Hicks School of Social Work, (November 2021)

This list of resources provides an overview of all the resources available on the Girasol resource page to support immigrant children, families, and advocates.

Guidance for Immigrant and Refugee Families: Parenting in a New Country

By | Child Well-Being, Culture: Issues & Competencies, Immigrant Youth, Language Issues, Parenting, Practice, Trauma, Youth & Families

Guidance for Immigrant and Refugee Families: Parenting in a New Country

Child Welfare Information Gateway (December 2022)

This factsheet for immigrant and refugee parents highlights the challenges immigrant families may face while raising children in a new country and provides guidance and resources for navigating these challenges.

Guidance for Immigrant and Refugee Families: The Child Welfare System

By | Child Abuse/Neglect Prevention, Child Maltreatment, Parenting, Practice, Safety, Youth & Families

Guidance for Immigrant and Refugee Families: The Child Welfare System

Child Welfare Information Gateway (January, 2023)

This factsheet for immigrant and refugee families explains the U.S. child welfare system and provides information on what families may experience if they become involved with the child welfare system.

Working With Immigrant and Refugee Families: A Guide for Child Welfare Agencies

By | Culture: Issues & Competencies, Immigrant Youth, Immigration Relief, Practice, Practice Highlight, Social Workers, State Policies

Working With Immigrant and Refugee Families: A Guide for Child Welfare Agencies

Child Welfare Information Gateway (October 2022)

This bulletin describes key considerations and challenges for child welfare agencies serving immigrant and refugee families and provides systemwide strategies that agencies can use to improve outcomes for this population.

Working With Immigrant Families: A Guide for Child Welfare Caseworkers

By | Culture: Issues & Competencies, Deportation, Immigrant Youth, Kinship Care, Practice, Practice Highlight, Social Work, Social Workers, Trauma

Working With Immigrant Families: A Guide for Child Welfare Caseworkers

Child Welfare Information Gateway (October 2022)

This bulletin outlines key considerations for child welfare caseworkers working with immigrant and refugee families and provides strategies to improve services for this population that take into account the unique challenges and circumstances these children and families face.

Story Map: Immigrant Inclusivity in Doña Ana County, New Mexico

By | CICW Publications, Culture: Issues & Competencies, Immigrant Families Research, Immigration Enforcement, Language Issues, Reports, Research

Story Map: Immigrant Inclusivity in Doña Ana County, New Mexico

Center on Immigration and Child Welfare & NMSU Center for Community Analysis (February 2023)

This interactive story map highlights the findings and recommendations from a community resource mapping project that sought to identify the supportive services available to immigrant families in Doña Ana County, NM and to assess their level of inclusivity of the unique needs of this population. View the Spanish version of the story map here!

Latina mothers’ perspectives on adverse experiences and protection of Latinx youth in an agricultural community

By | Child Well-Being, Highlighted Resources, Immigrant Families Research, Parenting, Research, Research Highlight, Trauma

Latina mothers’ perspectives on adverse experiences and protection of Latinx youth in an agricultural community

Deepika D. Parmar, Alexandra M. Minnis, Elodia Caballero, Melissa Zerofsky, Megan Comfort & Marissa Raymond-Flesch, BMC public health (February 2, 2023)

This research used qualitative interviews with Latina mothers to gain insight on risk and protective factors for healthy development among Latinx youth in an agricultural community, beyond what may be captured by the ACEs measure.

Age Calculation under Child Status Protection Act

By | Federal Policy, Highlighted Resources, Immigrant Youth, Immigration Relief, Law & Policy, Law/Policy Highlight, Legal/Law

Age Calculation under Child Status Protection Act

U.S. Citizenship & Immigration Services (February 14, 2023)

This policy alert outlines new changes to the age calculation process under the Child Status Protection Act (CSPA) for children trying to obatin LPR status based on a parent’s status.
