

The Double Exclusion of Immigrant Youth

By | Immigrant Families Research, Immigrant Youth, Immigration Relief, Legal/Law, Research, Research Highlight, Special Immigrant Juvenile Status (SIJS)

The Double Exclusion of Immigrant Youth

Laila Hlass, Rachel L. Davidson & Austin Kocher, The Georgetown Law Journal (September 6, 2023)

This article documents the many barriers encountered by children seeking SIJS, including avoidable delays, inconsistent denial rates, and a growing backlog of SIJS petitioners, and calls for action to improve the SIJS program.

Summary: Immigration Court Efficiency and Children’s Court Act of 2023

By | Federal Policy, Immigrant Youth, Immigration Relief, Law & Policy, Law/Policy Highlight, Legal/Law, Unaccompanied Minors

Summary: Immigration Court Efficiency and Children’s Court Act of 2023

Kids in Need of Defense (November 1, 2023)

This policy brief reviews the Immigration Court Efficiency and Children’s Court Act of 2023 which has the potential to create a more child-friendly environment for UCs navigating the U.S. immigration system.

Webinar: Creating Welcoming Spaces for Immigrant Families in Early Childhood Programs

By | Culture: Issues & Competencies, Early Childhood, Language Issues, Practice, Practice Highlight, Social Work, Social Workers, Spanish Resources

Webinar: Creating Welcoming Spaces for Immigrant Families in Early Childhood Programs

The Center for Law and Social Policy (October 25, 2023)

This webinar reviews how child care and early education providers can create safe and welcoming environments for immigrant families, including via eligibility rules, inclusive policies and enrollment practices, and more.

Update on Efforts to Mitigate Child Labor Exploitation and Internal Audit on Placement Process Used to Transfer Custody of Unaccompanied Children to Vetted Sponsors

By | Child Well-Being, Foster Care, Immigrant Youth, Research, Unaccompanied Minors, Unaccompanied Minors Research

Update on Efforts to Mitigate Child Labor Exploitation and Internal Audit on Placement Process Used to Transfer Custody of Unaccompanied Children to Vetted Sponsors

Office of Refugee Resettlement, Administration for Children & Families (June 2, 2023)

This report provides updates and recommendations on efforts on the Office of Refugee Resettlement’s (ORR) efforts to address concerns of child labor exploitation for unaccompanied minors release from ORR custody.
