
State Policy

Supporting Immigrant and Refugee Families through Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health Services

By | Child Well-Being, Culture: Issues & Competencies, Early Childhood, Federal Policy, Language Issues, Law & Policy, Law/Policy Highlight, State Policy, Trauma

Supporting Immigrant and Refugee Families through Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health Services

Maki Park, Lillie Hinkle, Katherine Habben and Emma Heidorn, Migration Policy Institute (April 2024)

This issue brief reviews the importance of infant and early childhood mental health services for immigrant and refugee families, identifies gaps impacting service access and use, and highlights opportunities to improve access to and the relevance of these services for immigrant families. 

Addressing the Shift in Child Welfare Practices Serving Latinx Immigrant Population During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Policy Recommendations and Future Directions

By | Child Abuse/Neglect Prevention, Child Well-Being, COVID-19, Federal Policy, Legal/Law, Social Work, State Policies, State Policy

Addressing the Shift in Child Welfare Practices Serving Latinx Immigrant Population During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Policy Recommendations and Future Directions

Marisol Sanchez, Socorro Ramirez-Gamiño; Berkeley Interdisciplinary Migration Initiative (2023)

This policy brief reviews recent research on child welfare agency practices serving immigrants during the pandemic and offers four policy recommendations to response to the needs of immigrant families in the child welfare system.


Immigrant Caregivers: The Implications of Immigration Status on Foster Care Licensure

By | Foster Care, Kinship Care, Law & Policy, Law/Policy Highlight, Legal/Law, State Policies, State Policy

Immigrant Caregivers: The Implications of Immigration Status on Foster Care Licensure

ABA Center on Children and the Law (December 14, 2022)

This brief reviews foster care licensure for immigrant caregivers, describes challenges that state licensing standards may present for undocumented caregivers, and explains how caregivers may overcome these challenges.

California Appellate Law on Special Immigrant Juvenile Status

By | Immigrant Youth, Immigration Relief, Law & Policy, Legal/Law, Special Immigrant Juvenile Status (SIJS), State Policies, State Policy

California Appellate Law on Special Immigrant Juvenile Status

Immigration Legal Resource Center (February 14, 2022)

This legal brief provides clarification on many common questions related to what role the California state court’s play in Special Immigrant Juvenile Status (SIJS) cases.

Ending the Invisibility of Dual Language Learners in Early Childhood Systems A Framework for DLL Identification

By | Culture: Issues & Competencies, Early Childhood, Language Issues, Law & Policy, Law/Policy Highlight, State Policies, State Policy

Ending the Invisibility of Dual Language Learners in Early Childhood Systems A Framework for DLL Identification

Maki Park & Delia Pompa, Migration Policy Institute (May 2021)

This policy brief provides a framework of the essential elements that should be included to create standardized and comprehensive processes for identifying and tracking Dual Language Learners within early childhood systems.

Supporting Immigrant and Refugee Families through Home Visiting: Innovative State and Local Approaches

By | Child Well-Being, Culture: Issues & Competencies, Law & Policy, Law/Policy Highlight, State Policy

Supporting Immigrant and Refugee Families through Home Visiting: Innovative State and Local Approaches

Caitlin Katsiaficas, Migration Policy Institute (October 2020)

Immigrant and refugee families are an at-risk population that are not often enrolled in home visiting program.  The purpose of home visiting programs is to support children and their caretakers and for immigrant and refugee families this could mean assistance with integration-related supports that help parents access early childhood, health, and social services systems.  This policy brief discusses approaches that some states have utilized to help immigrant and refugees access home visiting programs.

Immigrant Families and Child Welfare Systems: Emerging Needs and Promising Policies

By | Child Welfare System Research, Federal Policy, Highlighted Resources, Immigrant Families Research, Law & Policy, Practice, Research, Social Workers, State Policy

Immigrant Families and Child Welfare Systems: Emerging Needs and Promising Policies

Mark Greenberg, Randy Capps, Andrew Kalweit, Jennifer Grishkin, and Ann Flagg, Migration Policy Institute (April 2019)

Some states and localities have developed specialized policies and practices for working with children in immigrant families, though these vary considerably. This report explores this diversity of approaches, drawing on interviews with child welfare officials from 14 states, six counties, and New York City. For each of nine key issues—ranging from agency staffing and training, to language access policies and cooperation with foreign consulates—the researchers identify a recommended approach and discuss relevant policies and practices.
