
Highlighted Resources

Webinar: Managing Trauma: Tips for Supporting Refugee Teens in Schools, Refugee Resettlement, & Other Contexts

By | Child Well-Being, Culture: Issues & Competencies, Family Separation, Immigrant Youth, Practice Highlight, Social Work, Social Workers, Trauma

Webinar: Managing Trauma: Tips for Supporting Refugee Teens in Schools, Refugee Resettlement, & Other Contexts

Bridging Refugee Youth & Children’s Services (Dec 1, 2017)

This latest webinar from BRYCS builds off their Understanding Trauma in Refugee Youth webinar. Viewers can learn about some of the dilemmas facing refugee teenagers, how to converse helpfully and meaningfully with refugee teens, as well as ways to intervene more effectively with refugee teens, their families, and schools.

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Tens of Thousands in United States Face Uncertain Future, as Temporary Protected Status Deadlines Loom

By | Deportation, Federal Policy, Immigration Relief, Law & Policy, Law/Policy Highlight, Legal/Law

Tens of Thousands in United States Face Uncertain Future, as Temporary Protected Status Deadlines Loom

Muzaffar Chishti, Jessica Bolter, & Sarah Pierce, Migration Policy Institute (Dec 1, 2017)

In light of the recent announcement of an end to many TPS designations, this edition of Policy Beat explores the TPS programs, current countries of designation, and the history of TPS rescissions over the years, as well as the reasons for not extending those designations.

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How Today’s Immigration Enforcement Policies Impact Children, Families, and Communities

By | Child Well-Being, Deportation, Family Separation, Foster Care, Immigrant Families Research, Immigrant Youth, Immigration Enforcement, Research Highlight

How Today’s Immigration Enforcement Policies Impact Children, Families, and Communities

Joanna Dreby, Center for American Progress, Aug 20, 2012

This report looks at how immigration enforcement impacts family life in the U.S., both among immigrant and mixed-status families, and in their wider communities.

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Children of Unauthorized Immigrants Represent Rising Share of K-12 Students

By | Immigrant Families Research, Immigrant Youth, Research Highlight

Children of Unauthorized Immigrants Represent Rising Share of K-12 Students

Jeffrey S. Passel and D’Vera Cohn, PEW (November 17, 2016)

Number of public school children from families with one or both undocumented parents has seen an increase in recent years. Data are examined for the U.S. and by region.

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Legalization for DREAMers: A Realistic Appraisal of Potential Chain Migration

By | Federal Policy, Immigrant Youth, Immigration Relief, Law & Policy, Law/Policy Highlight, Legal/Law

Legalization for DREAMers: A Realistic Appraisal of Potential Chain Migration

Julia Gelatt & Randy Capps, Migration Policy Institute (Nov 2017)

Authors explore DREAM Act critics’ stipulation that “chain migration” would occur if DREAMers were legalized as DREAMers could eventually sponsor their family members for green card.

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Trauma Responsive Child Welfare Systems

By | Child Abuse/Neglect Prevention, Child Well-Being, Culture: Issues & Competencies, Family Separation, Foster Care, Parenting, Practice Highlight, Social Workers

Trauma Responsive Child Welfare Systems

Virginia C. Strand and Ginny Sprang, Springer International Publishing, Oct 25, 2017

This comprehensive reference offers a robust framework for introducing and sustaining trauma-responsive services and culture in child welfare systems.

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Latino Cultural Guide: Building Capacity to Strengthen the Well-Being of Immigrant Families and Their Children: A Prevention Strategy

By | Culture: Issues & Competencies, Immigration Relief, Parenting, Practice Highlight, Social Workers

Latino Cultural Guide: Building Capacity to Strengthen the Well-Being of Immigrant Families and Their Children: A Prevention Strategy

Rosita Balch, Hennepin County Human Services and Public Health Department, Ann Gilligan, and Susan Schmidt, BRYCS. Research assistants Renee Anderson, Teresa Obrero and Sarah Aughenbaugh, The Center for Advanced Studies in Child Welfare, 2010

This guide provides an overview of cultural issues important to understanding children and family environments in Latino immigrant groups, including understanding experiences through a cultural lens.

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The New Importance of Children in America: A Wake-up Call for Policymakers

By | Child Welfare System Research, Child Well-Being, Legal/Law, Research, Research Highlight

The New Importance of Children in America: A Wake-up Call for Policymakers

Dowell Myers, Children’s Hospital Association, Lucille Packard Foundation for Children’s Health, & USC Sol Price School of Public Policy (Oct 12, 2017)

This study finds that two trends, related to significant demographic changes, are creating challenges, elevating the economic role of next generations, and converging to make investing in the health and well-being of children more important than ever.

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The Education and Work Profiles of the DACA Population

By | Child Well-Being, Immigrant Families Research, Immigrant Youth, Immigration Relief, Research Highlight

The Education and Work Profiles of the DACA Population

Randy Capps, Michael Fix, and Jie Zong, Migration Policy Institute, Aug 2017

This issue brief employs a unique MPI methodology to analyze the educational and labor force characteristics of the young adults eligible for DACA, comparing their outcomes to the overall U.S. population in the 15-32 age bracket, as well as similarly aged unauthorized immigrants ineligible for DACA.

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