Understanding Extreme Hardship in Waivers
ILRC Attorneys, ILRC (Jan 31, 2018)
This advisory provides an overview of hardship in waivers: when you need to prove hardship, whose hardship counts, and what is hardship.
View ResourceThis advisory provides an overview of hardship in waivers: when you need to prove hardship, whose hardship counts, and what is hardship.
View ResourceThis guide offers an overall framework for developing, implementing and/or strengthening a family centered practice model, cites specific examples from States and Tribes, and provides additional information to help child welfare agencies and their partners make informed choices in selecting their approaches to this important work.
View GuideThis fact checking piece by the ABA examines the meaning and origin of the term “chain migration” and how it is being used today to shape the public’s view of immigrant families coming to the U.S.
View ResourceThis issue brief discusses how Trump’s immigration policies impact young children and details current research on the impacts of breaking families apart, instilling fear in immigrant communities, and preventing families from accessing programs that meet children’s basic needs.
Read Report Spanish VersionThe Foreign Affairs Manual (FAM) provides instructions that officials in U.S. embassies and consulates abroad use to make decisions about whether to grant non–U.S. citizens permission to enter the U.S. This resource provides information about recent changes to the FAM.
View ResourceThis article highlights the collaboration between representatives from the Mexican Government with advocates, lawyers, judges, workers from the Department of Child Safety, and representatives from Arizona. The goal of these work groups is to achieve the best outcomes for children and families when parents have been detained or deported.
Read ArticleThis opinion piece discusses the often overlooked issue of some immigrants not having a home to return to, as result of being undocumented and having grown up in the U.S. and never seeing their “home” countries.
Read ArticleThe judicial battle over the Trump administration’s efforts to wind down the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, which protected 690,000 young unauthorized immigrants from deportation, has just been extended by several months as a result of a ruling from the Supreme Court.
Read ArticleThe New York Civil Liberties Union filed a lawsut against Trump administration officials over what it called prolonged detention of immigrant children, blaming recent shifts in U.S. government policy for keeping children locked up without cause.
Read ArticleA massive network of volunteers is trained to jump into action when reports come in about detentions of illegal immigrants, to document their treatment and provide legal advice.
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