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Center on Immigration & Child Welfare

Judge finds governmental violations including holding children too long in detention, substandard conditions

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Judge finds governmental violations including holding children too long in detention, substandard conditions

Karolina Walters, (June 28, 2017)

Ruling by U.S. District Court Judge Dolly M Gee finds that the government is disregarding critical protections for children in detention and declares that each case must be individually considered.

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The Road to Adulthood: Aligning Child Welfare Practice With Adolescent Brain Development

By | Adoption, Child Welfare System Research, Child Well-Being, Foster Care, Parenting, Research Highlight, Social Work

The Road to Adulthood: Aligning Child Welfare Practice With Adolescent Brain Development

Annie E. Casey Foundation (July 22, 2017)

This report provides insight into how gender, race, ethnicity and more affect formative developmental experiences in young people. It also provides recommendations for child welfare professionals on how to best support both parents and children through this process.

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Special Immigrant Juvenile Status

By | Immigrant Youth, Practice Highlight, Social Work, Social Workers, Special Immigrant Juvenile Status (SIJS)

Special Immigrant Juvenile Status

Susan Schmidt, Encyclopedia of Social Work (July 2017)

SIJS is defined to explain its significance for immigrant children and for the role social workers may play in support of the status. (Link provides abstract only without institutional or paid access.)

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Undocumented Immigrants and Their Experience with Illegality

By | Child Well-Being, Deportation, Detention, Family Separation, Immigrant Families Research, Immigrant Youth, Immigration Enforcement, Research, Unaccompanied Minors, Unaccompanied Minors Research

Undocumented Immigrants and Their Experience with Illegality

Various Authors, The Russell Sage Foundation (July 2017)

The Russell Sage Foundation published this journal issue, with various articles that examine policy changes and how they have affected the welfare of undocumented immigrants, their families, and their communities.

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Toolkit to support undocumented students

By | Child Well-Being, Immigration Relief, Practice Highlight, Social Work, Social Workers

Toolkit to support undocumented students

The Education Trust-West (2017)

Eight organizations have collaborated to create a toolkit designed for educators to better support undocumented students and their families with resources including classroom tools and strategies, fact sheets, guides and legal resources, sample resolutions, and social/emotional support resources.

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Make a Plan: Migrant Parents’ Guide to Preventing Family Separation

By | Child Well-Being, Deportation, Detention, Family Separation, ICE, Immigration Enforcement, Immigration Relief, Kinship Care, Parental Interests Directive, Practice Highlight, Youth & Families

Make a Plan: Migrant Parents’ Guide to Preventing Family Separation

Women’s Refugee Commission, undated

Available in both English and Spanish, this guide helps immigrant parents understand their rights and prepare for the possibility of separation.

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