
Immigration Enforcement | CICW | Tags

Early Learning Specialist/Home Visitor Procedures – If ICE Knocks on the Door During a Home Visit

By | Early Childhood, ICE, Immigration Enforcement, Practice Highlight, Resources, Social Workers

Early Learning Specialist/Home Visitor Procedures – If ICE Knocks on the Door During a Home Visit

Parent Child Plus (August 2019)

This resource provides know-your-rights information and guidance on procedures for home visitors and other professionals for situations in which ICE comes to a family’s home during a home visit.

Know Your Rights Information on ICE Raids for Parents/Community/Attorneys

By | Highlighted Resources, ICE, Immigrant Youth, Immigration Enforcement, Practice, Social Workers, Youth & Families

Know Your Rights Information on ICE Raids for Parents/Community/Attorneys

KIND (July 15, 2019)

The below is a collection of Know Your Rights resources to help prepare parents, community members, and attorneys on ICE raids on the sponsors of unaccompanied children and families.

Advocating for the International Child

By | Family Separation, Immigrant Youth, Immigration Enforcement, Immigration Relief, Legal Professionals, Legal/Law, Practice, Social Work, Social Workers, Special Immigrant Juvenile Status (SIJS)

Advocating for the International Child

Susannah Volpe and Pamela Kemp, National Association of Counsel for Children Conference (August 2017)

This article provides an overview of legal options, advocacy strategies, and useful tools for navigating situations in which child welfare and child protection work intersects with immigration enforcement.

Communities in Crisis: Interior Removals and Their Human Consequences

By | Deportation, Family Separation, Highlighted Resources, Immigrant Families Research, Immigration Enforcement, Research, Research Highlight, Topics

Communities in Crisis: Interior Removals and Their Human Consequences

Kino Border Initiative, The Center for Migration Studies of New York, and the Office of Justice and Ecology (November 2018)

Migrant advocacy groups at the Arizona border are seeing more immigrants being deported after spending many years living in the United States and a new survey by several faith-based groups details the hardships separated families face after a relative is deported.

State Immigration Enforcement Policies

By | Deportation, Detention, Highlighted Resources, Immigrant Families Research, Immigration Enforcement, Research, Research Highlight, Resources, Topics

State Immigration Enforcement Policies

Julia Gelatt, Heather Koball, Hamutal Bernstein, Carmaine Runes, Eleanor Pratt, Urban Institute & National Center for Children in Poverty (May 2017)

This report from Urban Institute and the National Center for Children in Poverty found that expanding state immigration enforcement policies increased material hardship (such as eviction or difficulty paying for basic household expenses) in immigrant households with children. Although the policies target unauthorized immigrant populations, lawful immigrant households also experienced more material hardship in states with expanded enforcement, suggesting a broader climate of fear created by such policies.

Recommendations for Reunifying Separated Family Members

By | Deportation, Detention, Family Separation, Immigrant Youth, Immigration Enforcement, Legal Professionals, Legal/Law, Practice Highlight, Social Work, Social Workers

Recommendations for Reunifying Separated Family Members

Kids in Need of Defense (July 13, 2018)

In this publication, KIND outlines its recommendations for separated children, detained parents, and deported parents to ensure the best interests of these families and protect their access to due process.

