
Special Immigrant Juvenile Status (SIJS)

Screening Questions for Immigrant Youth: Determining Potential Avenues for Legal Status

By | Deportation, Family Separation, ICE, Immigrant Youth, Immigration Relief, Parental Interests Directive, Practice Highlight, Social Workers, Special Immigrant Juvenile Status (SIJS)

Screening Questions for Immigrant Youth: Determining Potential Avenues for Legal Status

Immigrant Legal Resource Center (Sep 22, 2017)

This short screening sheet is designed to help child welfare professionals identify potential avenues for noncitizen youth to gain legal status.

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Screening Potential DACA Requestors for Other Forms of Relief

By | ICE, Immigrant Youth, Immigration Enforcement, Immigration Relief, Legal Professionals, Legal/Law, Practice Highlight, Special Immigrant Juvenile Status (SIJS)

Screening Potential DACA Requestors for Other Forms of Relief

Patrick Taurel, Am Immigration Council (Sept 5, 2017)

A practice resource for attorneys determining the eligibility of DACA seekers for longer-term immigration relief options.

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Working with Child Clients and Their Family Members in Light of the Trump Administration’s Focus on “Smugglers” Practice Advisory

By | Child Well-Being, Deportation, ICE, Immigrant Youth, Immigration Enforcement, Immigration Relief, Practice Highlight, Social Workers, Special Immigrant Juvenile Status (SIJS)

Working with Child Clients and Their Family Members in Light of the Trump Administration’s Focus on “Smugglers” Practice Advisory

Catholic Legal Immigration Network Inc., July 2017

Designed for practitioners who are representing child clients in removal proceedings or advising family members of child clients in removal proceedings, this practice advisory offers multiple tips including risk mitigation strategies.

Read the Advisory

Special Immigrant Juvenile Status

By | Immigrant Youth, Practice Highlight, Social Work, Social Workers, Special Immigrant Juvenile Status (SIJS)

Special Immigrant Juvenile Status

Susan Schmidt, Encyclopedia of Social Work (July 2017)

SIJS is defined to explain its significance for immigrant children and for the role social workers may play in support of the status. (Link provides abstract only without institutional or paid access.)

Read the Abstract

Quick Guide to Federal Child Welfare and Immigration Law

By | Family Separation, ICE, Immigration Relief, Kinship Care, Legal Professionals, Legal/Law, Parenting, Practice, Social Workers, Special Immigrant Juvenile Status (SIJS)

Quick Guide to Federal Child Welfare and Immigration Law

by ABA (March 15, 2017)

This document offers a brief overview of law and resources for child welfare attorneys and others who seek options for immigrant children or parents.

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A Guide to Children Arriving at the Border: Laws, Policies, and Responses

By | Deportation, Detention, Federal Policy, ICE, Immigrant Youth, Immigration Enforcement, Immigration Relief, Law & Policy, Legal Professionals, Legal/Law, Special Immigrant Juvenile Status (SIJS), Unaccompanied Minors

A Guide to Children Arriving at the Border: Laws, Policies, and Responses

American Immigration Council (June 2015)

This guide provides information about the tens of thousands of children who have fled their homes in Central America and arrived at our southern border. It seeks to explain the basics about who these children are, what happens to them when they arrive in the U.S., laws in place to help them, and proposed legislation to help these children.

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Immigration Status and Relief Options

By | CICW Toolkits, Handbooks, Guides & Books, ICE, Immigrant Youth, Immigration Enforcement, Immigration Relief, Legal/Law, Practice, Resources, Social Work, Social Workers, Special Immigrant Juvenile Status (SIJS), Toolkits, Handbooks, Guides & Books

Immigration Status and Relief Options

A Social Worker’s Toolkit for Working With Immigrant Families

(Updated June 2015)

This toolkit provides a basic overview of the dynamics of the U.S. immigration system as it impacts children and families in the child welfare system. The toolkit includes practical appendices with resources for accessing vital documents, facilitating communication between child welfare and immigration legal counsel, and a summary of immigration relief options applicable to youth in care.

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Emerging Issues in State-Based Immigration Reform

By | Immigrant Youth, Immigration Relief, Legal Professionals, Legal/Law, Practice, Resources, Special Immigrant Juvenile Status (SIJS), State Policies, Unaccompanied Minors

Emerging Issues in State-Based Immigration Reform

The Government Law Center, Albany Law School, 2015 Warren M. Anderson Legislative Breakfast Series (February 2015)

View the recording of the Albany Law School’s 2015 Warren M. Anderson Breakfast Seminar and access supplementary materials about state-based immigration reform, including information on unaccompanied minors, state benefits and state-issued identification documents for immigrants, and state support for immigrant legal services.

View Seminar Recording Access Supplementary Materials

Special Provisions for Immigrant Youth: A Model State Statute

By | Federal Policy, Immigrant Youth, Immigration Relief, Law & Policy, Special Immigrant Juvenile Status (SIJS)

Special Provisions for Immigrant Youth: A Model State Statute

American Friends Service Committee, Fordham Law School, Immigrant Legal Resource Center, Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe LLP, and Rutgers University School of Law (February 2015)

This resource proposes model statutory language for Special Immigrant Juvenile Status (SIJS) legislation, with the aim of promoting both uniformity across jurisdictions and the right of all SIJS-eligible immigrant children to access their state court systems.

Review Resource