

Disruptions to Child Care Arrangements and Work Schedules for Low-Income Hispanic Families are Common and Costly

By | Child Well-Being, Early Childhood, Immigrant Families Research, Research, Research Highlight

Disruptions to Child Care Arrangements and Work Schedules for Low-Income Hispanic Families are Common and Costly

Kevin Ferreira van Leer, Danielle A. Crosby, and Julia Mendez, National Research Center on Hispanic Children & Families (January 27, 2021)

This research article looks at the impacts of child care arrangement disruptions on low-income Hispanic families as well as the relevance of this issue during and after the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Biden-Harris Immigration Agenda Matters for Kids

By | Child Well-Being, Family Separation, Federal Policy, Immigration Enforcement, Immigration Relief, Law & Policy

The Biden-Harris Immigration Agenda Matters for Kids

Children Thrive Action Network (CTAN) (January 28, 2021)

This resource documents the main Biden-Harris administration policy changes and their impact on children in immigrant families, while highlighting key talking points. This document outlines the changes to DACA, the census, the Muslim and African bans, Migrant Protection Protocols, the Zero Tolerance Policy, immigration enforcement, and the proposed pathways to citizenship.

Food Over Fear: Overcoming Barriers to Connect Latinx Immigrant Families to Federal Nutrition and Food Programs

By | Child Well-Being, Immigrant Families Research, Immigration Enforcement, Public Charge, Research, Research Highlight

Food Over Fear: Overcoming Barriers to Connect Latinx Immigrant Families to Federal Nutrition and Food Programs

Food Research & Action Center and National Immigration Law Center (December 2020)

This report details findings about why immigrant families are not utilizing federal nutrition and food programs and offers recommendations for helping immigrant families navigate these obstacles. The report also describes the importance of its findings in the context of the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Resources for Immigrants, Parents and Educators During COVID-19 Crisis

By | Culture: Issues & Competencies, Language Issues, Parenting, Practice, Practice Highlight, Social Work, Youth & Families

Resources For Immigrants, Parents and Educators During COVID-19 Crisis

The Immigration Learning Center (n.d.)

This comprehensive list provided by the Immigration Learning Center includes a variety of resources in different categories that could be useful to immigrants, parents, and educators during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Summary of Immigrant Ineligibility for Federal Public Benefits

By | Legal Professionals, Legal/Law, Practice, Practice Highlight, Public Charge, State Policies

This toolkit provides an overview of financial ineligibility for public benefits, ineligibility for federal public benefits based on immigration status, and eligibility for section 8 housing choice voucher program, section 8 housing project-based rental assistance, or public housing.

2021 Administrative Advocacy Priorities

By | Deportation, Detention, Federal Policy, Immigration Enforcement, Immigration Relief, Law & Policy, Law/Policy Highlight, Legal/Law

2021 Administrative Advocacy Priorities

CLINIC (November 17, 2020)

Catholic Legal Immigration Network, Inc. (CLINIC) has updated their list of 2021 Administrative Advocacy Priorities. The 2021 policy priorities include a focus on advocating for the rights of Black immigrants that are disproportionately impacted by some Trump-era policies.

Anticipated “Chilling Effects” of the Public-Charge Rule Are Real: Census Data Reflect Steep Decline in Benefits Use by Immigrant Families

By | Child Well-Being, Immigrant Families Research, Public Charge, Research, Research Highlight

Anticipated “Chilling Effects” of the Public-Charge Rule Are Real: Census Data Reflect Steep Decline in Benefits Use by Immigrant Families

Randy Capps, Michael Fix, and Jeanne Batalova; Migration Policy Institute (December 2020)

MPI researchers document the decline in utilization of public-benefit programs, including TANF, SNAP (food stamps), and Medicaid by non-citizens and their U.S.-born children during the Trump administration.

Unauthorized Immigrants in the United States: Stable Numbers, Changing Origins

By | Immigrant Families Research, Immigration Enforcement, Immigration Relief, Research, Research Highlight

Unauthorized Immigrants in the United States: Stable Numbers, Changing Origins

Randy Capps, Julia Gelatt, Ariel G. Ruiz Soto and Jennifer Van Hook; Migration Policy Institute (December 2020)

This fact sheet describes the current trends in unauthorized immigrant populations, highlighting the stabilization of the number of unauthorized immigrants in the United States over the past decade.

2021 Immigration Action Plan

By | Deportation, Detention, Family Separation, Federal Policy, Immigration Enforcement, Immigration Relief, Law & Policy, Legal/Law

2021 Immigration Action Plan: Restoring Human Dignity Recovering the Economy Reinforcing American Values

Immigration Hub, America’s Voice, and Partners (August 2020)

Immigration Hub and America’s Voice collaborated with more than 100 organization to develop an Immigration Action Plan for 2021 that advocates for ten actions that are aimed at transforming the immigration system in the United States.
