
Culture: Issues & Competencies

We left one war and came to another: Resource loss, acculturative stress, and caregiver–child relationships in Somali refugee families.

By | Culture: Issues & Competencies, Research Highlight, Trauma

We left one war and came to another: Resource loss, acculturative stress, and caregiver–child relationships in Somali refugee families.

Betancourt, Theresa S. Abdi, Saida Ito, Brandon S. Lilienthal, Grace M. Agalab, Naima Ellis, Heidi, PsychNET (2015)

The aims of this research were to identify and examine strengths and resources utilized by Somali refugee children and families in the Boston area to overcome resettlement and acculturative stressors. Abstract only; Subscription required to access full article.

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Guide for Developing and Implementing Child Welfare Practice Models

By | Child Well-Being, Culture: Issues & Competencies, Practice, Practice Highlight, Social Work, Social Workers

Guide for Developing and Implementing Child Welfare Practice Models

Jan McCarthy, National Child Welfare Resource Center for Organizational Improvement (Oct, 2012)

This guide offers an overall framework for developing, implementing and/or strengthening a family centered practice model, cites specific examples from States and Tribes, and provides additional information to help child welfare agencies and their partners make informed choices in selecting their approaches to this important work.

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Raising Teens in a New Country: A Guide for the Whole Family

By | Child Abuse/Neglect Prevention, Child Well-Being, Culture: Issues & Competencies, Immigrant Youth, Parenting, Practice Highlight, Social Work, Youth & Families

Raising Teens in a New Country: A Guide for the Whole Family

Bridging Refugee Youth & Children’s Services (January 2018)

This resource was created for parents and teens who are new to the U.S., and for the service providers who work with them, with topics ranging from cultural identity to school and community engagement to higher education, and more. Available in English, Arabic, and Spanish.

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Infographic: The Average Day of Low-Income Latino Parents

By | Culture: Issues & Competencies, Immigrant Families Research, Immigrant Youth, Language Issues, Research Highlight, Social Work

Infographic: The Average Day of Low-Income Latino Parents

Claudia Vega, National Research Center on Hispanic Children and Families (Jan 2018)

This infographic compares an average day of a low-income Latino parent to that of their low-income white and black peers.

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Latino U.S.-Citizen Children of Immigrants: A Generation at High Risk

By | Child Well-Being, Culture: Issues & Competencies, Deportation, Family Separation, Immigrant Families Research, Immigrant Youth, Legal/Law, Research Highlight

Latino U.S.-Citizen Children of Immigrants: A Generation at High Risk

Lisseth Rojas-Flores, Foundation for Child Development: Young Scholars Program (Jan 9, 2018)

Children of immigrants are growing up in an environment of aggressive immigration policies and practices. This paper reviews research on the social circumstances affecting this population, the consequences of immigration policies and practices on child well-being, and the impact of parental legal status on child development.

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Redefining Sanctuary

By | Culture: Issues & Competencies, Immigrant Families Research, Immigrant Youth, Immigration Relief, Research Highlight

Redefining Sanctuary

The Opportunity Agenda (Dec 13, 2017)

A three-part analysis of existing public opinion research, media coverage, and social media discourse concerning sanctuary jurisdictions, DACA, and related immigration policies – and provide practical recommendations for talking about these issues with persuadable audiences.

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Webinar: Managing Trauma: Tips for Supporting Refugee Teens in Schools, Refugee Resettlement, & Other Contexts

By | Child Well-Being, Culture: Issues & Competencies, Family Separation, Immigrant Youth, Practice Highlight, Social Work, Social Workers, Trauma

Webinar: Managing Trauma: Tips for Supporting Refugee Teens in Schools, Refugee Resettlement, & Other Contexts

Bridging Refugee Youth & Children’s Services (Dec 1, 2017)

This latest webinar from BRYCS builds off their Understanding Trauma in Refugee Youth webinar. Viewers can learn about some of the dilemmas facing refugee teenagers, how to converse helpfully and meaningfully with refugee teens, as well as ways to intervene more effectively with refugee teens, their families, and schools.

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Trauma Responsive Child Welfare Systems

By | Child Abuse/Neglect Prevention, Child Well-Being, Culture: Issues & Competencies, Family Separation, Foster Care, Parenting, Practice Highlight, Social Workers

Trauma Responsive Child Welfare Systems

Virginia C. Strand and Ginny Sprang, Springer International Publishing, Oct 25, 2017

This comprehensive reference offers a robust framework for introducing and sustaining trauma-responsive services and culture in child welfare systems.

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Latino Cultural Guide: Building Capacity to Strengthen the Well-Being of Immigrant Families and Their Children: A Prevention Strategy

By | Culture: Issues & Competencies, Immigration Relief, Parenting, Practice Highlight, Social Workers

Latino Cultural Guide: Building Capacity to Strengthen the Well-Being of Immigrant Families and Their Children: A Prevention Strategy

Rosita Balch, Hennepin County Human Services and Public Health Department, Ann Gilligan, and Susan Schmidt, BRYCS. Research assistants Renee Anderson, Teresa Obrero and Sarah Aughenbaugh, The Center for Advanced Studies in Child Welfare, 2010

This guide provides an overview of cultural issues important to understanding children and family environments in Latino immigrant groups, including understanding experiences through a cultural lens.

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