

Four Strategies to Improve Community Services for Unaccompanied Children in the United States

By | Immigrant Youth, Research, Research Highlight, Unaccompanied Minors, Unaccompanied Minors Research

Four Strategies to Improve Community Services for Unaccompanied Children in the United States

Jonathan Beier, Lauren Farwell, Rhonda Fleischer, & Essey Workie; Migration Policy Institute (December 2022)

This brief outlines service gaps and barriers for unaccompanied children transitioning from federal custody into U.S. communities and provides resources and promising practices for community organizations, government agencies, and funders to improve supports for these children.

Immigrant Families in California Faced Barriers Accessing Safety Net Programs in 2021, but Community Organizations Helped Many Enroll

By | Immigrant Families Research, Legal/Law, Public Charge, Research Highlight, State Policies

Immigrant Families in California Faced Barriers Accessing Safety Net Programs in 2021, but Community Organizations Helped Many Enroll

Dulce Gonzalez, Michael Karpman, and Clara Alvarez Caraveo; Urban Institute (August 4, 2022)

This research assessed immigrant families’ participation and experiences with seven public benefits programs in CA, finding that community organizations played a key role in connecting families to these programs and that many families avoided benefits due to immigration-related fears.

Changes in Economic Hardships Arising During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Differences by Nativity and Race

By | Child Well-Being, COVID-19, Early Childhood, Immigrant Families Research, Research Highlight

Changes in Economic Hardships Arising During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Differences by Nativity and Race

Allison Bovell-Ammon, Stephanie Ettinger de Cuba, Félice Lê-Scherban, Lindsey Rateau, Timothy Heeren, Cerlyn Cantave, Kaye-Alese Green, Deborah A Frank, Diana Cutts, Eduardo Ochoa, Megan Sandel; Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health (November 5, 2022)

This research looked at pandemic related economic hardships such as food and housing insecurity among families with young children by race, ethnicity, and nativity, finding that Latinx and immigrant families experienced some of the greatest increases in these hardships.

Covering Undocumented Immigrants: The Effects of a Large-Scale Prenatal Care Intervention

By | Child Well-Being, Immigrant Families Research, Legal/Law, Research, Research Highlight, State Policies

Covering Undocumented Immigrants: The Effects of a Large-Scale Prenatal Care Intervention

Sarah Miller & Laura Wherry, National Bureau of Economic Research (July 2022)

This study explored the impacts of expanding Medicaid pregnancy coverage to undocumented immigrant women in California, finding increased insurance coverage and improved birth outcomes.

Including Children in Immigrant Families in Policy Approaches to Reduce Child Poverty

By | Immigrant Families Research, Research, Research Highlight

Including Children in Immigrant Families in Policy Approaches to Reduce Child Poverty

Dolores Acevedo-Garcia, PhD, Pamela K Joshi, PhD, Emily Ruskin, MPA, Abigail N Walters, MPP, Nomi Sofer, PhD, Carlos A Guevara, JD, Academic Pediatrics (October 1, 2022)

This research shows that despite the fact that U.S. citizen children in immigrant families experience greater poverty levels than other children in the U.S., exclusion from safety net programs prevent them from accessing needed social programs that promote their health and wellbeing, highlighting a need to eliminate these immigrant exclusions.

Punishing Trauma: Significant Incident Reports and Children in Immigration Proceedings

By | Child Well-Being, Highlighted Resources, Immigrant Youth, Research, Social Work, Trauma, Unaccompanied Minors, Unaccompanied Minors Research

Punishing Trauma: Significant Incident Reports and Children in Immigration Proceedings

Young Center for Immigrant Children’s Rights and National Immigrant Justice Center (NIJC) (September 2022)

This report documents the shortcomings of the Office of Refugee Resettlement’s “Significant Incident Reports” and provides recommendations on how ORR can overhaul this system in order to better protect the mental and physical health and safety of unaccompanied children.

CBP Is Expelling Thousands of Infants and Toddlers to Mexico After Midnight

By | Deportation, Immigrant Families Research, Immigration Enforcement, Research, Research Highlight, Safety

CBP Is Expelling Thousands of Infants and Toddlers to Mexico After Midnight

David J. Bier, CATO Institute (August 1, 2022)

New data indicates that Customs and Border Protection (CBP) is expelling thousands of immigrant infants and toddlers into Mexico during the night despite documented danger and agreements that no expulsions should occur between 10pm and 5am.

Family Formation Under the Law: How Immigration Laws Construct Contemporary Latino/a Immigrant Families in the U.S.

By | Immigrant Families Research, Legal/Law, Research, Research Highlight

Family Formation Under the Law: How Immigration Laws Construct Contemporary Latino/a Immigrant Families in the U.S.

Vanessa Delgado, Sociology Compass (August 18, 2022)

This article builds on the research of sociologists of the family on how U.S. laws play a fundamental role in shaping the outcomes of family members, including how immigration law impacts family formation in LatinX immigrant families.

Post-Release Services for Unaccompanied Children: Current Gaps and Needed Improvements

By | Immigrant Youth, Social Work, Unaccompanied Minors, Unaccompanied Minors Research

Post-Release Services for Unaccompanied Children: Current Gaps and Needed Improvements

Kerri Evans, and Tatiana Londoño. With editorial contributions from: Benjamin J. Roth, Jayshree Jani, Jodi Berger Cardoso, Robert Hasson III, Kelechi C. Wright, Susan Schmidt, Megan Finno-Velasquez, and Sophia Sepp; Center on Immigration and Child Welfare (August 1, 2022)

This research brief developed by the Center on Immigration and Child Welfare focuses on post-release services for unaccompanied children and provides insights into the current gaps and needed improvements.

Child Maltreatment Prevention Interventions for LatinX Immigrant Populations: A Systematic Review

By | Child Abuse/Neglect Prevention, Child Maltreatment, Child Welfare System Research, Parenting

Child Maltreatment Prevention Interventions for LatinX Immigrant Populations: A Systematic Review 

Megan Finno-Velasquez, Sophia M. Sepp, Anayeli Lopez, Erin Aquino, Nicole Cherie, & Miquela Ortiz-Upton; Journal of Public Child Welfare (September 8, 2022)

In child abuse and neglect prevention, it is important to take into consideration the unique historical, sociocultural, and linguistic contexts of a population. This systematic review analyzed interventions for use with Latinx immigrant populations.
