Find an Immigration Lawyer
American Immigration Lawyers Association (AILA)
This database allows users to search for immigration lawyers by type of lawyer, language, and location. It also includes private practice lawyers.
This database allows users to search for immigration lawyers by type of lawyer, language, and location. It also includes private practice lawyers.
This database enables users to search for pro bono legal service providers by state.
This resource reviews frequently asked questions about opportunities for parole for immigrant families separated under the Trump administration’s “zero tolerance” policy.
This report reviews policy and program recommendations to support immigrant grandfamilies.
This best practices guide and supporting materials aim to help family court counsel identify when to work with an immigration attorney in a client’s case and navigate complex immigration concerns.
This cheat sheet provides an overview of SIJS process and eligibility requirements.
This tip sheet provides an overview of unaccompanied minors and important considerations for supporting the kinship families who care for them upon release from ORR.
This referral tool is designed to help attorneys of children in foster care identify if a child may benefit from services from an immigration attorney and make a meaningful referral to that attorney.
This referral tool is designed to help caseworkers identify whether a child in foster care may benefit from the services of an immigration attorney.
The resource explores the specialized models that child welfare agencies in CA, NJ, NM, NYC, and OR have implemented in order to meet the unique needs of immigrant children and families who become involved with the child welfare system.