
Legal Professionals

Advocating for the International Child

By | Family Separation, Immigrant Youth, Immigration Enforcement, Immigration Relief, Legal Professionals, Legal/Law, Practice, Social Work, Social Workers, Special Immigrant Juvenile Status (SIJS)

Advocating for the International Child

Susannah Volpe and Pamela Kemp, National Association of Counsel for Children Conference (August 2017)

This article provides an overview of legal options, advocacy strategies, and useful tools for navigating situations in which child welfare and child protection work intersects with immigration enforcement.

Filing Immigration Enforcement Civil Rights Complaints for Violations of the “Sensitive Locations” Policy At or Near Your School

By | Legal Professionals, Practice, Social Workers

Filing Immigration Enforcement Civil Rights Complaints for Violations of the “Sensitive Locations” Policy At or Near Your School

National Immigration Law Center (January 2019)

This resource includes a complaint form along with instructions which may be used by any schools, individuals, or organizations that have individual or collective complaints about local law enforcement officers or immigration officials violating the “sensitive locations” memos at or near you school (or other locations) or committing misconduct, racial profiling, or other civil rights abuses in the course of enforcing immigration laws.

Responding to Inappropriate RFEs and NOIDS in Special Immigrant Juvenile Status Cases

By | Federal Policy, Highlighted Resources, Immigrant Youth, Immigration Relief, Law & Policy, Law/Policy Highlight, Legal Professionals, Legal/Law, Special Immigrant Juvenile Status (SIJS)

Responding to Inappropriate RFEs and NOIDS in Special Immigrant Juvenile Status Cases

Sharon Hing, Alison Kamhi, and Rachel Prandini, Immigrant Legal Resource Center (December 2018)
This practice advisory provides an overview of the law governing RFEs and NOIDs, outlines the changes to USCIS policy announced in the July 2018 Policy Memo, and sets forth a six-step process to follow when responding to requests for additional evidence. Also included are sample arguments to make when responding to common RFE and NOID scenarios in the SIJS context.

Public Charge and Naturalization

By | Federal Policy, Highlighted Resources, Immigration Enforcement, Immigration Relief, Law & Policy, Law/Policy Highlight, Legal Professionals, Legal/Law, Resources, Topics

Public Charge and Naturalization

Erin Quinn and Melissa Rodgers, Immigrant Legal Resource Center (November 21, 2018)
This practice advisory provides an update on public charge for advocates providing naturalization legal assistance. The advisory briefly discusses the legal standard for assessing public charge and then discusses how to advise lawful permanent residents looking to naturalize.

Love Without Borders: Grandfamilies and Immigration

By | Child Well-Being, Deportation, Detention, Family Separation, Highlighted Resources, Immigrant Youth, Kinship Care, Legal Professionals, Practice, Practice Highlight, Social Workers, Topics, Youth & Families

Love Without Borders: Grandfamilies and Immigration

Generations United (2018)

This report highlights the additional hurdles faced by grandfamilies who come together as a result of a parent’s detention or deportation. Those hurdles include restricted access to support and services to help meet the children’s needs, language barriers, and fear of government agencies.

Public Charge: A New Threat to Immigrant Families

By | Highlighted Resources, Legal Professionals, Practice, Practice Highlight, Public Charge, Social Workers

Public Charge: A New Threat to Immigrant Families

CLASP (September 24, 2018)

This fact sheet describes proposed Trump administration changes to the “public charge” policy, how it would harm health and well-being, and what you need to know if you work with immigrant families. Available in English and Spanish.


How to Talk About Public Charge with Immigrants and Their Families

By | Highlighted Resources, Legal Professionals, Legal/Law, Practice, Practice Highlight, Public Charge, Social Work, Social Workers, Topics

How to Talk About Public Charge with Immigrants and Their Families

Protecting Immigrant Families (August 7, 2018)

This document reviews key Protecting Immigrant Families Campaign messages and talking points related to communicating with immigrant communities about the Trump era public charge rule.

Risks of Applying for Special Immigrant Juvenile Status in Affirmative Cases

By | Highlighted Resources, Immigrant Youth, Immigration Relief, Legal Professionals, Practice, Practice Highlight, Special Immigrant Juvenile Status (SIJS), Topics

Risks of Applying for Special Immigrant Juvenile Status in Affirmative Cases

Immigration Legal Resource Center (August 31, 2018)

This Practice Advisory answers common questions about the risks of filing affirmative SIJS cases for youth in a variety of scenarios, such as when the youth has a delinquency history, the youth is over the age of 18, or the youth is alleged to be gang-involved.

Recommendations for Reunifying Separated Family Members

By | Deportation, Detention, Family Separation, Immigrant Youth, Immigration Enforcement, Legal Professionals, Legal/Law, Practice Highlight, Social Work, Social Workers

Recommendations for Reunifying Separated Family Members

Kids in Need of Defense (July 13, 2018)

In this publication, KIND outlines its recommendations for separated children, detained parents, and deported parents to ensure the best interests of these families and protect their access to due process.

