
Legal Professionals

The ABCs of Representing Unaccompanied Children in Removal Proceedings

By | Deportation, Family Separation, Federal Policy, Immigrant Youth, Immigration Relief, Law & Policy, Legal Professionals, Legal/Law, Practice, Resources, Social Work, Special Immigrant Juvenile Status (SIJS), Unaccompanied Minors

The ABCs of Representing Unaccompanied Children in Removal Proceedings

American Bar Association Commission on Immigration (October 2014)

These materials, from an October 2014 training, cover information on a range of topics related to representing unaccompanied immigrant children, including best practices for working with unaccompanied children, information on immigration law and removal proceedings, ethical considerations in representing unaccompanied minors, Special Immigration Juvenile Status, U and T Visas, and asylum law and initial jurisdiction issues.

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Applying the ICE Parental Interests Directive to Child Welfare Cases

By | Deportation, Detention, Family Separation, Federal Policy, ICE, Immigration Enforcement, Kinship Care, Law & Policy, Legal Professionals, Legal/Law, Parental Interests Directive, Practice, Resources, Social Work, Social Workers

Applying the ICE Parental Interests Directive to Child Welfare Cases

Immigrant Legal Resource Center (August 26, 2014)

This resource summarizes the key provisions of the Directive and provides tips to those working within the dependency system on how to best ensure an immigrant parent can meaningfully participate in the dependency proceedings.

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For Immigrant Children Crossing Border, Fears Meet Court Backlog

By | Child Well-Being, Immigrant Youth, Legal Professionals, Legal/Law, Practice, Resources, Trauma, Unaccompanied Minors

For Immigrant Children Crossing Border, Fears Meet Court Backlog

NPR: All Things Considered (July 14, 2014)

Audie Cornish talks with Michelle Abarca, a supervising attorney with the Americans for Immigrant Justice, on how the surge in unaccompanied children has impacted her organization. Abarca also recommends ways of coping with the influx.

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Non-citizen Youth in the Juvenile Justice System: A Practice Guide to Juvenile Detention Reform

By | Immigrant Youth, Legal Professionals, Legal/Law, Practice, Social Work, Social Workers

Non-citizen Youth in the Juvenile Justice System: A Practice Guide to Juvenile Detention Reform

The Annie E. Casey Foundation, the Immigrant Legal Resources Center and Legal Services for Children (June 2014)

This guide addresses the needs of non-citizen youth involved with the juvenile justice system. The authors discuss the impact of immigration status on juvenile justice cases and offer information on the intersection between the juvenile justice and immigration enforcement legal systems.

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Screening for Human Trafficking: Guidelines for Administering the Traffic Victim Identification Tool

By | Immigration Relief, Legal Professionals, Legal/Law, Practice, Resources, Social Work, Social Workers, Toolkits, Handbooks, Guides & Books, Trauma

Screening for Human Trafficking: Guidelines for Administering the Traffic Victim Identification Tool

Vera Institute of Justice (June 2014)

This manual is intended mainly for victim service agency staff and other social service
providers, who will administer the Trafficking Victim Identification Tool (TVIT) to clients who are
potential trafficking victims.

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Keeping Immigrant Families in the Child Protection System Together

By | Adoption, Family Separation, Foster Care, Immigration Enforcement, Kinship Care, Legal Professionals, Practice, Resources, Social Work, Social Workers, State Policies

Keeping Immigrant Families in the Child Protection System Together

ABA Child Law Practice (April 2014)

Written by Ann Park, this article discusses the barriers to family reunification that children in foster care experience when they have a detained or deported parent. The author identifies federal and state legislation that helps to reduce these barriers and provides practice recommendations for child welfare agencies, dependency courts, and attorneys.

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The Flow of Unaccompanied Children Through the Immigration System- A Resource for Practitioners, Policy Makers, and Researchers

By | Child Well-Being, Immigrant Youth, Immigration Enforcement, Immigration Relief, Legal Professionals, Legal/Law, Practice, Research, Resources, Social Work, Social Workers, Unaccompanied Minors

The Flow of Unaccompanied Children Through the Immigration System- A Resource for Practitioners, Policy Makers, and Researchers

Vera Institute of Justice (March 2012)

In light of the complexity of the legal process for unaccompanied children detained by U.S. immigration, this report provides a thorough overview of the system as a resource for practitioners, policymakers, and researchers working to help these children.

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Special Status Seekers: Through the Underused SIJS Process, Immigrant Juveniles May Obtain Legal Status

By | Federal Policy, Immigrant Youth, Immigration Relief, Law & Policy, Legal Professionals, Legal/Law, Practice, Resources, Special Immigrant Juvenile Status (SIJS), State Policies, State Policy, Unaccompanied Minors

Special Status Seekers: Through the Underused SIJS Process, Immigrant Juveniles May Obtain Legal Status

Los Angeles Lawyer (February 2012)

Written by Kristen Jackson, this article discusses the use of Special Immigrant Juvenile Status as a form of immigration relief for immigrant youth.

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Children at the Border: The Screening, Protection and Repatriation of Unaccompanied Mexican Minors

By | Child Well-Being, Culture: Issues & Competencies, Family Separation, Immigrant Youth, Legal Professionals, Practice, Research, Resources, Social Workers, Unaccompanied Minors

Children at the Border: The Screening, Protection and Repatriation of Unaccompanied Mexican Minors

Appleseed (2011)

This study by Appleseed explores the extent to which the Trafficking Victims Protection and Reauthorization Act of 2008 has improved the screening and protection of unaccompanied Mexican minors at the border and after repatriation and provides recommendations for improving treatment of these minors and compliance with the TVPRA.

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Immigration Benchbook for Juvenile and Family Courts

By | Adoption, Deportation, Family Separation, Federal Policy, Immigrant Youth, Immigration Enforcement, Immigration Relief, Law & Policy, Legal Professionals, Legal/Law, Parenting, Practice, Resources, Special Immigrant Juvenile Status (SIJS)

Immigration Benchbook for Juvenile and Family Courts

Immigrant Legal Resource Center (July 2010)

This is a national benchbook for juvenile and family court judges on various immigration related issues including: Special Immigrant Juvenile Status, adoption, VAWA, U Visas, divorce, child custody, immigration consequences of delinquency and crime, and immigration enforcement.

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