
Highlighted Resources

Most Hispanic Immigrants Say Their Lives Are Better In The U.S. But Face Financial And Health Care Challenges: The 2023 KFF/LA Times Survey of Immigrants

By | Immigrant Families Research, Language Issues, Research, Research Highlight

Most Hispanic Immigrants Say Their Lives Are Better In The U.S. But Face Financial And Health Care Challenges: The 2023 KFF/LA Times Survey of Immigrants

Schumacher et al., Kaiser Family Foundation (January 18, 2024)

This report explores the experiences of Hispanic immigrants and the unique challenges many face related to limited English proficiency, citizenship status, income, insurance, and education.

Opportunities for Welcome: Lessons Learned for Supporting People Seeking Asylum in Chicago, Denver, New York City, and Portland, Maine

By | Immigrant Families Research, Immigration Enforcement, Research, Research Highlight, Social Work

Opportunities for Welcome: Lessons Learned for Supporting People Seeking Asylum in Chicago, Denver, New York City, and Portland, Maine

Women’s Refugee Commission (November 30, 2023)

Informed by research in NYC; Portland, Maine; Denver; and Chicago, this report provides recommendations on policies and practices to support people seeking asylum and other vulnerable populations.
