Biden might need years to reverse Trump’s immigration policies on DACA, asylum, family separation, ICE raids, private detention and more

Biden might need years to reverse Trump’s immigration policies on DACA, asylum, family separation, ICE raids, private detention and more 

Alan Gomez and Daniel Gonzalez, USA Today (November 13, 2020) 

During its tenure, the Trump administration enacted more than 400 policy changes aimed at immigration. While many of these regressive policies can be overturned by the incoming Biden administration through executive orders and directives, Gomez and Gonzalez indicate that others could take months or years to undo. A list of possible actions Biden could take in the first 100 days, like halting construction on the border wall, raising the refugee cap, and preserving and expanding DACA, are all seemingly within reach. However, immigration advocates contend that rescinding policy is one thing, but hoping to undo the damage is another task entirely.   
