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Sophia Sepp

Job Announcement: Florence Project Family Separation Attorney Fellow and Legal Assistant Positions

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Job Announcement: Florence Project Family Separation Attorney Fellow and Legal Assistant Positions

The Florence Immigrant & Refugee Rights Project (June 11, 2018)

The Florence Project is responding to the urgent crisis of family separation by hiring a team to serve immigrant parents and children separated at the border. The Family Separation Fellow and Family Separation Legal Assistant will educate, empower, and provide legal assistance to immigrant families separated at the border–detained adults and unaccompanied immigrant children in removal proceedings in Arizona. These positions have been created in direct response to recent changes in government policies creating a zero tolerance policy at the border, and separating parents from children as an attempt to deter migration.

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American Professional Society on the Abuse of Children 26th Annual Colloquium

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American Professional Society on the Abuse of Children 26th Annual Colloquium

The 2019 Call for Papers will be available soon at or you can email APSAC at to request a form. APSAC is soliciting abstracts for training, research, roundtable and poster presentations for the 26th Annual APSAC Colloquium in Salt Lake City, Utah. Join APSAC at one of the field’s premier forums for child maltreatment professionals to offer training presentations and report new research findings. Topics address legal, medical, mental health, investigative, preventive, and protective services work with abused and neglected children, their families, and perpetrators of abuse. Presentations are encouraged on all aspects of child maltreatment, including cultural diversity. Submissions are encouraged on all aspects of child maltreatment, including cultural diversity.

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‘Tent cities’ for migrant children reportedly cost much more than detaining families together

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‘Tent cities’ for migrant children reportedly cost much more than detaining families together

Kevin Breuninger and Tucker Higgins, CNBC (June 20, 2018)

It reportedly costs $775 per person per night to keep the newly separated children of families who cross the U.S. border illegally in “tent cities. The per-person cost at certain detention centers that would keep families together is $298 per night, according to an agency estimate from 2014, NBC reported.

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I Worked at a Child Migrant Center. What I Was Told to Do Was So Inhumane That I Quit.

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I Worked at a Child Migrant Center. What I Was Told to Do Was So Inhumane That I Quit.

Antar Davidson, Mother Jones (June 20, 2018)
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Hispanic Couples in the Supporting Healthy Marriage Evaluation: How Representative are they of Low-Income Hispanic Couples in the United States?

By | Culture: Issues & Competencies, Immigrant Families Research, Parenting, Research Highlight, Social Work

Hispanic Couples in the Supporting Healthy Marriage Evaluation: How Representative are they of Low-Income Hispanic Couples in the United States?

Maria A. Ramos-Olazagasti; Lina Guzman; National Research Center on Hispanic Families & Children (June 2018)

This brief assesses the extent to which Hispanic participants in the Supporting Healthy Marriage (SHM) evaluation data set represent the broader U.S. population of Hispanic couples.

How Well Do National Surveys Measure Hispanic Families and Households?

By | Culture: Issues & Competencies, Immigrant Families Research, Research Highlight, Social Work

How Well Do National Surveys Measure Hispanic Families and Households?

Lina Guzman; Maria A. Ramos-Olazagasti; Marta Alvira-Hammond; Emily Miller; Christina Padilla; Renee Ryberg; Claudia Vega; National Research Center on Hispanic Families & Children (June 20, 2018)

This brief examines the capacity of our nation’s data infrastructure to measure, describe, and understand the structure, diversity, complexity, and dynamics of Hispanic family life through the review of more than 20 mostly national surveys to assess the extent to which they include measures critical to understanding the characteristics and experiences of Hispanic families and households.

How to Volunteer to Help Immigrant Children Separated from Family

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How to Volunteer to Help Immigrant Children Separated from Family

Social Work Blog, NASW (June 19, 2018)

National Association of Social Workers (NASW) Board Member Guadalupe G. Lara, LMSW, an expert on social work and immigration, is encouraging social workers to advocate for these children and “to speak to some of the facts because there’s a lot of misinformation on the other side.”

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Family separations at the border alarm child-welfare experts

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Family separations at the border alarm child-welfare experts

David Crary, Tampa Bay Times (June 19, 2018)

Child welfare has always been a challenging profession; state and local agencies across America make difficult decisions every day to separate children from their parents. But those agencies have ways of minimizing the trauma that aren’t being employed by the Trump administration in separating immigrant families at the Mexican border…

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