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Center on Immigration & Child Welfare

How Trump’s Immigration Policies Harm Children

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How Trump’s Immigration Policies Harm Children

Madison Hardee, CLASP (April 9, 2018)

The Trump administration has attacked immigrant communities from day one with a range of misguided proposals and executive orders that undermine civil rights and terrify families. These efforts are having devastating effects – right now, as well as potentially long term – on the health and well-being of our nation’s youngest residents.

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AAP, medical groups urge ICE not to detain pregnant women

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AAP medical groups urge ICE not to detain pregnant women

Melissa Jenco, AAP News (April 2, 2018)

The Academy, American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists and American Academy of Family Physicians signed a letter March 30 saying pregnant women in detention not only lack access to appropriate care, but also are vulnerable to sexual assault. In addition, the negative physical and mental impact of being detained can impact their child’s development.

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Justice Department rolls out case quotas for immigration judges

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Justice Department rolls out case quotas for immigration judges

Tal Kopan, CNN (April 2, 2018)

The Department of Justice has announced it will evaluate immigration judges on how many cases they close and how fast they hear cases, a move that judges and advocates criticize as potentially jeopardizing the courts’ fairness and perhaps leading to far more deportations.

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Investing in Quality Early Childcare Is Good for Vulnerable Kids—and Good Economics, Too

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Investing in Quality Early Childcare Is Good for Vulnerable Kids—and Good Economics, Too

Rafael Lalive and Christina Felfe, Pro Market (March 28, 2018)

This article discussues early childcare and how it can be a major contributor to eliminating inequality of opportunity and even lay the foundations for a more productive workforce in the future.

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California tells schools how they should protect students from immigration enforcement

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California tells schools how they should protect students from immigration enforcement

Jazmine Ulloa, The LA Times (March 30, 2018)

As the fight over California’s immigration laws intensifies, Atty. Gen. Xavier Becerra on Friday released a policy guide for school officials that lays out how they can protect students from immigration enforcement on school grounds.

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Addressing Child Trauma at the Mexican Border

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Addressing Child Trauma at the Mexican Border

Taylor Sisk, MedPage Today (April 1, 2018)

This article highlights the issues witnessed by healthcare professionals while visiting children in a detention facility at the Mexican border, with specific focus on the mental health and trauma experienced by the children being held in the facility. In addition to highlighting these issues, the article also highlights the importance of practitioners working together to bring attention to and address the violations of human rights described in the article.

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The Cruel Ploy of Taking Immigrant Kids From Their Parents

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The Cruel Ploy of Taking Immigrant Kids From Their Parents

Dora Galacatos, Alan Shapiro and Brett Stark, The New York Times (February 28, 2018)

The Department of Homeland Security may soon formalize the abhorrent practice of detaining the children of asylum-seekers separately from their parents.  If the secretary orders this practice to be made standard procedure, thousands of families could face unnecessary separation.

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Our Children’s Fear: Immigration Policy’s Effects on Young Children

By | Child Well-Being, Early Childhood, Highlighted Resources, Immigrant Youth, Legal/Law, Parenting, Practice, Practice Highlight, Social Work, Social Workers

Our Children’s Fear: Immigration Policy’s Effects on Young Children

Wendy Cervantes, Hannah Matthews and Rebecca Ullrich, CLASP (3/14/2018)

This webinar presents findings from two CLASP reports: “Our Children’s Fear: Immigration Policy’s Effects on Young Children” and “Immigration Policy’s Harmful Impacts on Early Care and Education”. It also explains how immigration policy is affecting young children and their parents as well as early childhood educators. Recommendations for stakeholders at all levels to safeguard the wellbeing of children in immigrant families are also provided.

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Practice Advisory: Stays of Removal for DACA Recipients with Removal Orders

By | Highlighted Resources, Immigrant Youth, Immigration Relief, Legal Professionals, Legal/Law, Practice, Practice Highlight, State Policies

Practice Advisory: Stays of Removal for DACA Recipients with Removal Orders

CLINIC (March 9, 2018)

The purpose of this practice advisory is to assist practitioners filing stays of removal for those DACA recipients who have prior removal orders. This advisory explains how to seek a stay with the immigration court, the Board of Immigration Appeals (BIA) and the U.S. courts of appeal. It also covers how to seek a stay of removal from the Department of Homeland Security (DHS).

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