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Center on Immigration & Child Welfare

Child migrants face new crisis: Uneven justice. Children without lawyers, or in particular states, are much more likely to face removal orders, a POLITICO analysis finds.

By | In the News

Child migrants face new crisis: Uneven justice. Children without lawyers, or in particular states, are much more likely to face removal orders, a POLITICO analysis finds.

Politico (March 5, 2015)

A POLITICO analysis of government data shows that fully 88 percent of the removal orders issued since July have gone to children without an attorney. What’s more, a juvenile assigned to judges in Texas, North Carolina and Georgia in the past 16 months was at least three times more likely to receive such an order than a child in California, Florida or New York.

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Special Provisions for Immigrant Youth: A Model State Statute

By | Federal Policy, Immigrant Youth, Immigration Relief, Law & Policy, Special Immigrant Juvenile Status (SIJS)

Special Provisions for Immigrant Youth: A Model State Statute

American Friends Service Committee, Fordham Law School, Immigrant Legal Resource Center, Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe LLP, and Rutgers University School of Law (February 2015)

This resource proposes model statutory language for Special Immigrant Juvenile Status (SIJS) legislation, with the aim of promoting both uniformity across jurisdictions and the right of all SIJS-eligible immigrant children to access their state court systems.

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Childhood and Migration in Central and North America: Causes, Policies, Practices and Challenges

By | Culture: Issues & Competencies, Family Separation, Immigrant Youth, Legal/Law, Toolkits, Handbooks, Guides & Books, Training & Tools, Unaccompanied Minors

Childhood and Migration in Central and North America: Causes, Policies, Practices and Challenges

Center for Gender & Refugee Studies and Migration & Asylum Program Justice and Human Rights Center (February 2015)

This  book analyzes the conditions for children and adolescents in Central and North America who are affected by migration throughout every stage of the process, including in their countries of origin, during transit, in destination countries, and following repatriation.

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In-Country Refugee/Parole Processing for Minors in Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala (Central American Minors – CAM)

By | Federal Policy, Immigrant Youth, Immigration Relief, Law & Policy, Unaccompanied Minors

In-Country Refugee/Parole Processing for Minors in Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala (Central American Minors – CAM)

Office of Refugee Resettlement (January 30, 2015)

Provides information about the Central American Minors Refugee/Parole Program which is implemented by the Department of State.

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Emerging Strategies to Address the Needs of Latino Children in the Child Welfare System: Innovations and Advances in California 

By | Child Well-Being, Culture: Issues & Competencies, Kinship Care, Language Issues, Presentations, Training & Tools

Emerging Strategies to Address the Needs of Latino Children in the Child Welfare System: Innovations and Advances in California

Alan Dettlaff (Jane Addams College of Social Work), Barbara Needell (California Child Welfare Indicators Project, University of California at Berkeley), and Caitlin O’Grady (Jane Addams College of Social Work) (January 2015)

Presented by Alan Dettlaff (Jane Addams College of Social Work), Barbara Needell (California Child Welfare Indicators Project, University of California at Berkeley), and Caitlin O’Grady (Jane Addams College of Social Work), January 2015

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Opinion: Why Isn’t President Obama Protecting Refugee Children With A Stroke Of His Pen?

By | In the News

Opinion: Why Isn’t President Obama Protecting Refugee Children With A Stroke Of His Pen?

Fox News (December 5, 2014)

This opinion piece criticizing President Obama’s lack of response in addressing, and particularly, protecting the immigrant children who have flooded into the country, causing what is considered to be an immigration crisis.

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A Guide to the Immigration Accountability Executive Action

By | Federal Policy, Immigrant Youth, Immigration Enforcement, Immigration Relief, Law & Policy

A Guide to the Immigration Accountability Executive Action

American Immigration Council (November 30, 2014)

This guide provides an analysis of President Obama’s plan for immigration reform, including an overview of the Deferred Action for Parents of American and Lawful Permanent Residents (DAPA) program and information on the expansion of Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA).

Read Overview and Download Guide

Migration and Child Welfare National Network is now CICW

By | Opportunities

Migration and Child Welfare National Network is now CICW

We are excited to announce that the Migration and Child Welfare National Network is now the Center on Immigration and Child Welfare. We think this new identity better reflects who we are and what we do and allows us the opportunity to expand into exciting new areas to help build the capacity of child welfare systems to address the needs of children in immigrant families. We hope that you will help us spread this exciting news to all of your related networks.

Read the Press Release

Supporting Unaccompanied Minors and Immigrant Youth: From A Funder’s Perspective 

By | Child Well-Being, Foster Care, Immigrant Youth, Immigration Relief, Presentations, Training & Tools, Unaccompanied Minors

Supporting Unaccompanied Minors and Immigrant Youth: From A Funder’s Perspective

Yali Lincroft (Program Officer, Walter S. Johnson Foundation), (November 2014)

Presented by Yali Lincroft (Program Officer, Walter S. Johnson Foundation), November 2014

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