The Center on Immigration and Child Welfare Initiative tackles the tough issues practitioners who work at the intersection of the immigration and child welfare systems face. The CICW identifies relevant and timely information about immigrant families at risk of involvement in the child welfare system, conducts needed research, and shares information through social media, practical publications, webinars, and trainings.

Through its diverse membership, the CICW links and supports professionals across the child welfare and immigration fields to (1) build skills and organizational capacities, (2) advocate for policies that support children’s positive futures, and (3) identify priority areas for research. Numerous reports, policy statements, practice toolkits, and research studies have been generated and disseminated by the CICW over the past decade, with support from foundations like the American Humane Foundation, the Annie E. Casey Foundation, and the Walter S. Johnson Foundation.

Research on the Child Welfare System, Unaccompanied Minors, and Immigrant Families

CICW Research

The CICW pursues and supports research that advances our mission to improve policy and practice with immigrant children and families at risk of involvement with the child welfare system.

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Resources for Social Workers, Immigration Lawyers, Immigrant Families

CICW Publications

The CICW produces publications and resources on an ongoing basis to highlight and respond to practitioner needs, federal and state policies, and new research on key issues impacting immigrant children and families.

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Trainings and Technical Assistance | Resources for Social Workers

Training & Technical Assistance

The CICW strengthens and supports state and local agencies committed to the welfare of immigrant families and children involved in, or at risk of involvement in, the public child welfare system.  We work collaboratively and in partnership with service providers, helping build capacity to promote positive outcomes for immigrant families and their children with regard to safety, permanency, and well-being.

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