
Learning Brief: Serving Diverse Refugee & Immigrant Youth & Young Adult (YYA) Populations

By | Culture: Issues & Competencies, Immigrant Youth, Immigration Relief, Language Issues, Practice, Practice Highlight, Social Work, Social Workers

Learning Brief: Serving Diverse Refugee & Immigrant Youth & Young Adult (YYA) Populations

International Rescue Committee (September 25, 2024)

This learning brief for service providers working with youth and young adult (YYA) immigrants reviews YYA experiences, immigration statuses and opportunities, and best practices for creating culturally and linguistically accessible programs.

Insights for clinical providers and community leaders: Unaccompanied immigrant children’s mental health includes caregiver support.

By | Child Well-Being, Immigrant Youth, Research, Research Highlight, Unaccompanied Minors, Unaccompanied Minors Research

Insights for clinical providers and community leaders: Unaccompanied immigrant children’s mental health includes caregiver support

Johanna Creswell Báez et al., Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal (September 6, 2024)

This study interviewed UCs, their caregivers, healthcare professionals, mental health providers, and community leaders in Houston, Texas to understand the lived experience and mental health needs of UCs and their caregivers.

Emerging Poverty Scholars Fellowship Awarded to CICW Director

By | Opportunities

Emerging Poverty Scholars Fellowship Awarded to CICW Director

Center on Immigration & Child Welfare (September 2024)
CICW Director, Dr. Kristina Lovato has been awarded a two-year fellowship from  the Institute for Research on Poverty (IRP)’s Emerging Poverty Scholars Fellowship program 2024-2026 and will be expand her research on mental health and social service access among unaccompanied immigrant transitional age youth (TAY) to also examine social and economic mobility among this population to better serve their needs.

Mixed-Status Families and Immigrant Families with Children Continued Avoiding Safety Net Programs in 2023

By | Immigrant Families Research, Public Charge, Research, Research Highlight

Mixed-Status Families and Immigrant Families with Children Continued Avoiding Safety Net Programs in 2023

Dulce Gonzalez, Hamutal Bernstein, Michael Karpman, Genevieve M. Kenney; Urban Institute (August 7, 2024)

This report provides updated estimates of chilling effects on pubic safety net program use among immigrant families.

Latinx Immigrant Health: Does Immigrants’ Perceptions of Integration Protect their Health?

By | Deportation, Immigrant Families Research, Immigration Enforcement, Research, Research Highlight

Latinx Immigrant Health: Does Immigrants’ Perceptions of Integration Protect their Health?

Mirella Deniz-Zaragoza, Esaú Casimiro Vieyra, and Cecilia Ayón; Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences (September 9, 2024)

This study explored the relationship between immigrants’ perceptions of integration and their self-rated health and psychological distress
