
ISS International Conference: Throughout time, across borders: Navigating child protection and restoring family links

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ISS International Conference: Throughout time, across borders: Navigating child protection and restoring family links

International Social Service • October 9, 2024 • 9am – 6pm CET 

This ISS International Conference will explore issues related to children on the move, family based care, the future of child protection and social work, and more.

Film Screening & Panel Discussion: “All We Carry”

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Film Screening & Panel Discussion: “All We Carry”

UC Berkeley School of Social Welfare • Haviland Hall 340 • October 8th, 4:30pm-7pm PT

The UC Berkeley School of Social Welfare and the CICW will host a film screening and panel discussion of the documentary All We Carry, which follows a Honduran family’s extraordinary journey as they flee persecution from narcotraffickers, endure months in US detention, and await their asylum verdict in Seattle. We invite all in the Bay Area to join us for this special event! More info here

Immigrant Inclusive, Trauma-Informed Practices with Immigrants: A Training Series for Community Practitioners and Organizations

By | Culture: Issues & Competencies, Immigration Relief, Language Issues, New CICW Resources, Social Work, Spanish Resources, Training & Tools, Trainings, Trauma

Immigrant Inclusive, Trauma-Informed Practices with Immigrants: A Training Series for Community Practitioners and Organizations

Center on Immigration and Child Welfare, NMSU School of Social Work (September 2024)

This 5-module online asynchronous, self-paced course explores how service organizations and practitioners can implement policies and practices to increase inclusivity of immigrant families, and how trauma-informed practice can be tailored to address the unique experiences of immigrant families. It also includes discussion of a model for implementing immigrant specialist navigators within organizations. 6 free cultural social work CEUs available. Learn more here: or enroll at the link above.

Kids in Care: Unaccompanied Children in Federal Government Custody

By | Child Well-Being, Detention, Foster Care, Immigrant Youth, Language Issues, Research, Safety, Trauma, Unaccompanied Minors, Unaccompanied Minors Research

Kids in Care: Unaccompanied Children in Federal Government Custody

Lauren Heidbrink & Sarah Diaz, Loyola University Chicago (September 2024)

This report details findings and recommendations from an 18-month interdisciplinary study that explored the conditions of care for unaccompanied children in federal custody.

Protecting Immigrant Children: A Public Health of Consequence

By | Child Well-Being, Immigrant Families Research, Immigration Enforcement, Research, Research Highlight, Safety

Protecting Immigrant Children: A Public Health of Consequence

Farzana Kapadia, American Journal of Public Health (February 21, 2024)

This article explores how policies, practices, and anti-immigrant rhetoric have eroded the safety and well-being of immigrant children and their families and provides recommendations to address these negative impacts.

Cruel Indifference: Family Separation at the U.S.-Mexico Border Before and After Zero Tolerance

By | Family Separation, Immigrant Families Research, Immigration Enforcement, Research, Research Highlight

Cruel Indifference: Family Separation at the U.S.-Mexico Border Before and After Zero Tolerance

Immigrants’ Rights Policy Clinic, UCLA School of Law (June 2024)

This white paper explores two misconceptions: 1) that family separations at the U.S.-Mexico border began under the Trump administration; and 2) that they ended with the election of President Biden, arguing that family separation has been a longtime feature of CBP enforcement, and continues today.
