CICW Research Workgroup: SSWR 29th Annual Conference Recap
Society for Social Work & Research (January 15th-19th, 2025)
Members of the CICW Research Workgroup presented the following oral paper, symposium, and roundtable at the SSWR 29th Annual Conference.
- Oral Paper: Building the Capacity of Social Service Systems to Serve Unaccompanied Immigrant Transitional Age Youth (TAY) during the Precarious Transition to Adulthood & Illegality (Kristina Lovato)
- Roundtable: Immigration Policy in the Wake of the 2024 Election: Impacts to Immigrant Communities and Finding a Path Forward (Organizer: Kristina Lovato; Speakers/Presenters: Tatiana Londoño, Kerri Evans, Robert Hasson, Juan Gomez, CLASP & Cindy Liou, KIND.)
- Symposium: The Importance of Parents’ Wellbeing, Parenting, and Other Family Practices in the Current Socio-Political Immigration Context (Organizer: Maryam Rafieifar; Discussant: Robin Hernandez-Mekonnen; Presenting authors: Tatiana Londono, Cheryl Aguilar, Maryam Rafieifar, Hui Huang, Catalina Canizares Escobar; Kelechi Wright, Morgan Pardue-Kim, Kerri Evans, Celene Viveros Garces, and Melissa Edmondson Smith).