

Stopping ICE from Unlawfully Detaining Immigrant Youth

By | Detention, Federal Policy, ICE, Immigrant Youth, Immigration Enforcement, Law/Policy Highlight, Legal/Law, Unaccompanied Minors

Stopping ICE from Unlawfully Detaining Immigrant Youth

American Immigration Council (September 21, 2021)

This litigation discusses how ICE has been detaining unaccompanied minors that turn 18 into adult custody instead of less restrictive options. In September, a federal judge ruled these practices unlawful and required ICE to make changes to avoid further issues.

The Lasting Legacy of Exclusion: How the Law that Brought Us Temporary Assistance for Needy Families Excluded Immigrant Families & Institutionalized Racism in our Social Support System

By | Child Well-Being, Culture: Issues & Competencies, Federal Policy, Legal/Law, Public Charge

The Lasting Legacy of Exclusion: How the Law that Brought Us Temporary Assistance for Needy Families Excluded Immigrant Families & Institutionalized Racism in our Social Support System

Center for the Study of Social Policy & the Georgetown Center on Poverty and Inequality (August 2021)

This report reviews the history and legacy of the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Act (PRWORA), highlighting its racist roots and institutionalization of anti-immigrant exclusions to a range of public benefits and tax credits.

Guidance for SIJS State Court Predicate Orders in California: What You Need to Know in 2021

By | Immigrant Youth, Immigration Relief, Legal Professionals, Legal/Law, Practice Highlight, Special Immigrant Juvenile Status (SIJS)

Guidance for SIJS State Court Predicate Orders in California: What You Need to Know in 2021

Katie Annand (KIND), Ashley Melwani (Legal Services for Children), & Rachel Prandini (ILRC) (June 8, 2021)

This practice guidance provides recommendations on what information to include in state court predicate orders for Special Immigrant Juvenile Status (SIJS) in CA as well as sample predicate orders from family, probate, dependency, and delinquency courts.

LIFT the BAR Act Resources

By | Federal Policy, Law/Policy Highlight, Legal/Law

LIFT the BAR Act Resources

Congresswomen Pramila Jayapal (n.d.)

These resources provide background information on the proposed LIFT the BAR Act, which would restore access to federal public benefits, like Medicaid, CHIP, SNAP, etc., for lawfully present immigrants by lifting the five-year bar and addressing other barriers to these critical programs.

Medicaid Coverage for Immigrants

By | Child Well-Being, Federal Policy, Law/Policy Highlight, Legal/Law

Medicaid Coverage for Immigrants

Sarah Grusin and Catherine McKee, National Health Law Program (May 17, 2021)

This issue brief clarifies which immigrants are covered by federal Medicaid funding, including a flow chart to help determine eligibility. The brief also outlines states’ verification processes of applicants’ immigration status and income for eligibility purposes.

Congress Should Adopt American Families Plan’s Permanent Expansions of Child Tax Credit and EITC, Make Additional Provisions Permanent

By | Child Well-Being, Federal Policy, Law/Policy Highlight, Legal/Law

Congress Should Adopt American Families Plan’s Permanent Expansions of Child Tax Credit and EITC, Make Additional Provisions Permanent

Chuck Marr, Kris Cox, Stephanie Hingtgen, and Katie Windham; Center on Budget and Policy Priorities (May 24, 2021)

This report details key reasons for permanent expansions of the Child Tax Credit and Earned Income Tax Credit, which would have important implications for children in immigrant families especially.

Webinar-Ensuring Immigration Courts Consider Children’s Best Interests

By | Child Well-Being, Immigrant Youth, Immigration Enforcement, Legal Professionals, Legal/Law, Practice Highlight, Social Work, Social Workers, Unaccompanied Minors

Webinar-Ensuring Immigration Courts Consider Children’s Best Interests

The Young Center for Immigrant Children’s Rights (June 22, 2021)

This webinar discusses the Young Center’s work and advocacy around the incorporation of a “best interests mandate” into federal law and policy.
