
Immigration Relief

A Roadmap to Bring Home The Unjustly Deported

By | Deportation, Federal Policy, Immigration Enforcement, Immigration Relief, Law & Policy, Law/Policy Highlight, Legal/Law

A Roadmap to Bring Home The Unjustly Deported

National Immigrant Justice Center (April 2021)

This white paper is a collection of stories of ten people that were deported from the United States.  The full report includes recommendations for improving U.S. immigrations laws and policies.

How the U.S. Citizenship Act Impacts Children

By | Federal Policy, Highlighted Resources, Immigrant Youth, Immigration Enforcement, Immigration Relief, Law & Policy, Law/Policy Highlight, Legal/Law, Unaccompanied Minors

How the U.S. Citizenship Act Impacts Children 

CLASP (March 2021) 

This fact sheet covers the potential impact of the recently introduced U.S. Citizenship Act upon children, including a pathway to citizenship, a four-year strategy addressing causes of child migration, the development of guidelines for children in CBP custody, the provision of grants to educational agencies serving unaccompanied minors, facilitating family reunification, and eliminating current restrictions to immigrants for means-tested federal benefits. The authors indicated that collectively, this bill’s implementation would promote immigrant children’s safety and development.

Special Immigrant Juvenile Status & Visa Availability

By | Immigration Relief, Legal Professionals, Legal/Law, Practice, Practice Highlight, Special Immigrant Juvenile Status (SIJS)

Special Immigrant Juvenile Status & Visa Availability

Rachel Prandini, Immigrant Legal Resource Center (January 21, 2021)

This practice advisory reviews the backlog of visas for youth from specific countries that are applying for a green card through Special Immigrant Juvenile Status (SIJS) and offers practice advice for representing these youth that might experience a long wait for their green card.

Updated Practice Alert: Temporary Changes to U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) in Response to COVID-19

By | Immigration Relief, Legal Professionals, Legal/Law, Practice, Practice Highlight, Public Charge

Updated Practice Alert: Temporary Changes to U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) in Response to COVID-19

Peggy Gleason & Ariel Brown, Immigrant Legal Resource Center (January 29, 2021)

This brief details updates to USCIS services offered during the COVID-19 pandemic and includes information about USCIS’s automatic 60-day extension to Requests for Evidence (RFEs), Notices of Intent to Deny (NOIDs) and additional responses that are applicable through March 31, 2021.

The Biden-Harris Immigration Agenda Matters for Kids

By | Child Well-Being, Family Separation, Federal Policy, Immigration Enforcement, Immigration Relief, Law & Policy

The Biden-Harris Immigration Agenda Matters for Kids

Children Thrive Action Network (CTAN) (January 28, 2021)

This resource documents the main Biden-Harris administration policy changes and their impact on children in immigrant families, while highlighting key talking points. This document outlines the changes to DACA, the census, the Muslim and African bans, Migrant Protection Protocols, the Zero Tolerance Policy, immigration enforcement, and the proposed pathways to citizenship.

2021 Administrative Advocacy Priorities

By | Deportation, Detention, Federal Policy, Immigration Enforcement, Immigration Relief, Law & Policy, Law/Policy Highlight, Legal/Law

2021 Administrative Advocacy Priorities

CLINIC (November 17, 2020)

Catholic Legal Immigration Network, Inc. (CLINIC) has updated their list of 2021 Administrative Advocacy Priorities. The 2021 policy priorities include a focus on advocating for the rights of Black immigrants that are disproportionately impacted by some Trump-era policies.

Unauthorized Immigrants in the United States: Stable Numbers, Changing Origins

By | Immigrant Families Research, Immigration Enforcement, Immigration Relief, Research, Research Highlight

Unauthorized Immigrants in the United States: Stable Numbers, Changing Origins

Randy Capps, Julia Gelatt, Ariel G. Ruiz Soto and Jennifer Van Hook; Migration Policy Institute (December 2020)

This fact sheet describes the current trends in unauthorized immigrant populations, highlighting the stabilization of the number of unauthorized immigrants in the United States over the past decade.
