
Child Well-Being

Care under pressure: Policy contradictions of speedy release, safety, and placement suitability in ORR-contracted programs for unaccompanied migrant children

By | Child Well-Being, Foster Care, Immigrant Youth, Research, Research Highlight, Unaccompanied Minors, Unaccompanied Minors Research

Care under pressure: Policy contradictions of speedy release, safety, and placement suitability in ORR-contracted programs for unaccompanied migrant children

John Doering-White, Jessica Darrow, Breanne Grace, Benjamin Roth, Aimee Herring, & Stefan Liew; Children & Youth Services Review (February 2025)

This article explores the perspectives of 65 human service workers in ORR-contracted programs across four states on how they understand the policies that shape care for unaccompanied children and the challenges that exist.

A Guide to Creating “Safe Space” Policies for Early Childhood Programs

By | Child Well-Being, Early Childhood, ICE, Immigration Enforcement, Legal/Law, Practice, Youth & Families

A Guide to Creating “Safe Space” Policies for Early Childhood Programs

Priya Pandey, Rebecca Ullrich, & Alejandra Londono Gomez, The Center for Law and Social Policy (Updated January 22, 2025)

This updated guide provides information and resources to design and implement “safe space” policies that protect early childhood programs against immigration enforcement, and includes sample policy text.

The Impact of a Broken Immigration System on U.S. Students and Schools

By | Child Well-Being, Immigrant Families Research, Immigration Enforcement, Research Highlight

The Impact of a Broken Immigration System on U.S. Students and Schools

Patricia Gándara, Lucrecia Santibañez, Jongyeon Joy Ee, & Julieta Rico; UCLA’s Center for the Transformation of Schools, Latino Policy and Politics Institute, and Civil Rights Project (December 4, 2023)

This research brief explores the the harmful consequences of immigration enforcement actions on Latinx children of undocumented immigrants and provides policy and practice recommendations to support immigrant students and their families.

Unaccompanied Children: Efforts by the Office of Refugee Resettlement to Address GAO Recommendations

By | Child Well-Being, Foster Care, Immigrant Youth, Research, Research Highlight, Unaccompanied Minors, Unaccompanied Minors Research

Unaccompanied Children: Efforts by the Office of Refugee Resettlement to Address GAO Recommendations

U.S. Government Accountability Office (November 19, 2024)

This report details the efforts of ORR to address recommendations related to its role in caring for unaccompanied children, which were identified in recent GAO reports.

From Congregate to Community-Based Care: Strengthening Reunification and Support of Unaccompanied Children

By | Child Well-Being, Detention, Foster Care, Immigrant Youth, Language Issues, Research, Trauma, Unaccompanied Minors, Unaccompanied Minors Research

From Congregate to Community-Based Care: Strengthening Reunification and Support of Unaccompanied Children

Lauren Heidbrink, Women’s Refugee Commission (October 30, 2024)

This report and advocacy brief detail the findings of a study examining family reunification policies and practices for unaccompanied children in federal custody and provide recommendations related to the care environment, ORR family finding and placement procedures, and follow-up supports for reunited families.

Insights for clinical providers and community leaders: Unaccompanied immigrant children’s mental health includes caregiver support.

By | Child Well-Being, Immigrant Youth, Research, Research Highlight, Unaccompanied Minors, Unaccompanied Minors Research

Insights for clinical providers and community leaders: Unaccompanied immigrant children’s mental health includes caregiver support

Johanna Creswell Báez et al., Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal (September 6, 2024)

This study interviewed UCs, their caregivers, healthcare professionals, mental health providers, and community leaders in Houston, Texas to understand the lived experience and mental health needs of UCs and their caregivers.

Practical Solutions that Protect Unaccompanied Children Seeking Safety

By | Child Well-Being, Family Separation, Federal Policy, Immigrant Youth, Immigration Enforcement, Law & Policy, Law/Policy Highlight, Legal/Law, Safety, Unaccompanied Minors

Practical Solutions that Protect Unaccompanied Children Seeking Safety

Kids in Needs of Defense (September 24, 2024)

This blueprint reviews issues and policies impacting unaccompanied children and provides recommendations the U.S. government can take to improve child protection and well-being.

Kids in Care: Unaccompanied Children in Federal Government Custody

By | Child Well-Being, Detention, Foster Care, Immigrant Youth, Language Issues, Research, Safety, Trauma, Unaccompanied Minors, Unaccompanied Minors Research

Kids in Care: Unaccompanied Children in Federal Government Custody

Lauren Heidbrink & Sarah Diaz, Loyola University Chicago (September 2024)

This report details findings and recommendations from an 18-month interdisciplinary study that explored the conditions of care for unaccompanied children in federal custody.

Protecting Immigrant Children: A Public Health of Consequence

By | Child Well-Being, Immigrant Families Research, Immigration Enforcement, Research, Research Highlight, Safety

Protecting Immigrant Children: A Public Health of Consequence

Farzana Kapadia, American Journal of Public Health (February 21, 2024)

This article explores how policies, practices, and anti-immigrant rhetoric have eroded the safety and well-being of immigrant children and their families and provides recommendations to address these negative impacts.
