At the Border and Beyond: Research-Informed Approaches to Advance Immigrant Well-Being
Im/migrant Scholar Well-Being Collaborative (February 27, 2024)
This briefing reviews new empirical research on immigration policies focused on immigrant well-being, including research on the impact of the 100-mile border zone, bond amounts in immigration courts, and ICE’s surveillance technology.
Gaps in Sponsor Screening and Followup Raise Safety Concerns for Unaccompanied Children
Office of Inspector General, U.S. Dept of Health and Human Services (February 15, 2024)
This report highlights the findings and recommendations of a review of ORR’s implementation of sponsor screening and post-release followup calls for children in ORR custody.
Engage and Evade: How Latino Immigrant Families Manage Surveillance in Everyday Life
Asad L. Asad, Princeton University Press (June 13, 2023)
This book explores the experiences of undocumented immigrants living in a complex environment of ongoing surveillance.
“We Don’t Turn Away Families”: Support for Immigrant Families with Young Children During and After the COVID-19 Pandemic
Carolina Villamil Grest, Megan Finno-Velasquez, & Sophia Sepp; Journal of Human Rights and Social Work (October 12, 2023)
This study examined community responses to the needs of immigrant families along the US–Mexico border during COVID-19 and suggests inclusive, local-level solutions that can mitigate structural barriers and ensure equitable access to services for immigrant families.
Working With Immigrants Who Are Child Welfare Involved: Promoting Innovative Collaborations and Systems Involvement During a Public Health Crisis
Kristina K. Lovato, Megan Finno-Velasquez, Sophia Sepp, Jesse Jeffrey Ramirez, Robin Hernandez-Mekonnen, and Vanessa Mendoza; Families in Society: The Journal of Contemporary Social Services (December 13, 2023)
This research explores the experiences and innovations of child welfare agencies and community partners serving immigrant families during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Most Hispanic Immigrants Say Their Lives Are Better In The U.S. But Face Financial And Health Care Challenges: The 2023 KFF/LA Times Survey of Immigrants
Schumacher et al., Kaiser Family Foundation (January 18, 2024)
This report explores the experiences of Hispanic immigrants and the unique challenges many face related to limited English proficiency, citizenship status, income, insurance, and education.
Supporting North Carolina’s Immigrant Families
Berstein et al., Urban Institute (November 15, 2023)
New research with immigrants in North Carolina identifies common barriers to safety net participation and challenges faced by immigrant-serving organizations and health and human services agencies.
One in Four Adults in Mixed-Status Families Did Not Participate in Safety Net Programs in 2022 Because of Green Card Concerns
Dulce Gonzalez & Hamutal Bernstein, Urban Institute (August 17, 2023)
This research founds that immigrant families continued to avoid safety net programs in 2022 due to immigration concerns.
Opportunities for Welcome: Lessons Learned for Supporting People Seeking Asylum in Chicago, Denver, New York City, and Portland, Maine
Women’s Refugee Commission (November 30, 2023)
Informed by research in NYC; Portland, Maine; Denver; and Chicago, this report provides recommendations on policies and practices to support people seeking asylum and other vulnerable populations.