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Trump Officials Identify 1,700 More Children Who May Have Been Separated From Parents

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Trump Officials Identify 1,700 More Children Who May Have Been Separated From Parents

Mary Papenfuss, Huffpost (May 19, 2019)

Trump administration officials have revealed that an additional 1,712 migrant children may have been separated from their parents while coming into America. The children entered the country before President Donald Trump enacted his “zero tolerance” policy a year ago, resulting in the separation of at least 2,800 children from their parents.

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Trump Immigration Plan May Throw 4 Million People Off Immigrant Waiting Lists

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Trump Immigration Plan May Throw 4 Million People Off Immigrant Waiting Lists

Stuart Anderson, Forbes (May 16, 2019)

The Trump administration’s new immigration plan and focus on its most relevant part: Under the proposal, more than 4 million people waiting in family and employment-based green card backlogs would have their immigration applications eliminated, even if they have been waiting in line for years to immigrate.

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Lindsey Graham’s Immigration Bill Would Harm Children and Not Deter Immigrants

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Lindsey Graham’s Immigration Bill Would Harm Children and Not Deter Immigrants

Angelina Chapin, Huffpost (May 15, 2019)

A new bill from Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) would harm undocumented immigrant children by detaining them for longer periods and allowing immigration officials to send them back to life-threatening situations in their home countries.

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Roughly 8,700 Unaccompanied Children Turned Over to Refugee Office Last Month

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Roughly 8,700 Unaccompanied Children Turned Over to Refugee Office Last Month

CNN (May 3, 2019)

Roughly 8,700 unaccompanied children were turned over to the federal Office of Refugee Resettlement last month, more than double the number of children compared to the previous April, a senior agency official said, as the swell of migrants at the US-Mexico border continues to strain federal resources.

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Why can’t immigrant teens be with sponsors, foster families? Attorneys push for changes

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Why can’t immigrant teens be with sponsors, foster families? Attorneys push for changes

Suzanne Gamboa, NBC News (May 3, 2019)

A Texas attorney, who secured the release of an immigrant boy from federal custody, now hopes to use that victory to remove teenage migrants without family in the United States from government shelters to live with sponsors.

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Emails Show Trump Admin Had ‘No Way to Link’ Separated Migrant Children to Parents

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Emails Show Trump Admin Had ‘No Way to Link’ Separated Migrant Children to Parents

Jacob Soboroff, NBC News (May 1, 2019)

On the same day the Trump administration said it would reunite thousands of migrant families it had separated at the border with the help of a “central database,” an official was admitting privately the government only had enough information to reconnect 60 parents with their kids, according to emails obtained by NBC News.

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Homeland Security to Test DNA of Families at Border in Cases of Suspected Fraud

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Homeland Security to Test DNA of Families at Border in Cases of Suspected Fraud

Nick Miroff, The Washington Post (May 1, 2019)

Homeland Security officials said Wednesday they will start an “unprecedented” pilot program to test the DNA of families arriving at the U.S. border as soon as next week, calling the measure an investigative tool to root out fraudulent cases of migrants traveling with children who are not their own.

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Family separations a year later: The fallout – and the separations – continue

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Family separations a year later: The fallout – and the separations – continue

Molly O’Toole, Los Angeles Times (April 12, 2019)

A year ago this month, the Trump administration chaotically unveiled its family separation policy. After two months of public outcry, President Trump signed an order to end separation. Now, he and some of his closest advisors talk of bringing it back in a new form. But the impact of the first go-round still reverberates from Central America to the White House, from detention centers in Texas to committee rooms in Congress.

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HHS Official Urges Congress to Limit Migrant Family Separation

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HHS Official Urges Congress to Limit Migrant Family Separation

Camilo Montoya-Galvez, CBS News (April 9, 2019)

As some in the Trump administration press for a revival of its so-called “zero tolerance” policy, a top Health and Human Services (HHS) official urged Congress on Tuesday to act and limit the government’s authority to separate migrant children from their families.

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