
In the News

Teen Mom and Prematurely Born Baby Neglected at Border Patrol Facility for 7 Days

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Teen Mom and Prematurely Born Baby Neglected at Border Patrol Facility for 7 Days

Angelina Chapin, Huffpost (June 13, 2019)

A prematurely born infant and her 17-year-old mother spent seven days being almost entirely neglected in Border Patrol custody, according to lawyers who visited an immigrant processing station in McAllen, Texas, on Tuesday and Wednesday.

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Trump Administration Moves to Release Migrant Children Faster from U.S. Custody

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Trump Administration Moves to Release Migrant Children Faster from U.S. Custody

Reuters, The New York Times (June 10, 2019)

The Trump administration is again changing the way it vets people who want to sponsor minors who crossed the U.S.-Mexico border alone in an effort to speed up the release of thousands of migrant children currently in U.S. custody.

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New Texas Jail Will House 1,600 Immigrant Youths, Won’t be Subject to Child Welfare Licensing Requirements

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New Texas Jail Will House 1,600 Immigrant Youths, Won’t be Subject to Child Welfare Licensing Requirements

Amanda Robert, ABA Journal (June 7, 2019)

A complex in Texas will hold 1,600 immigrant children who arrive in the United States without their families and will be designated as an emergency shelter which will not be subject to the state’s child welfare licensing requirements.

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Migrant Children May Lose School, Sports and Legal Aid as Shelters Swell

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Migrant Children May Lose School, Sports and Legal Aid as Shelters Swell

Miriam Jordan, The New York Times (June 5, 2019)

The Trump administration said Wednesday that it would begin restricting or canceling education, legal aid and playground recreation for migrant children housed in government shelters as a result of financial constraints created by the “crisis at the border.”

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House Votes to Give ‘Dreamers’ a Path to Citizenship

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House Votes to Give ‘Dreamers’ a Path to Citizenship

Julie Hirschfield Davis, The New York Times (June 4, 2019)

The Democrat-led House passed legislation on Tuesday to grant a path to citizenship to about 2.5 million immigrants whose legal protections President Trump has moved to end, advancing a measure that highlights the bitter partisan differences over immigration.

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In Shift, U.S. Vows to More Aggressively Deport Migrant Families

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In Shift, U.S. Vows to More Aggressively Deport Migrant Families

Zolan Kanno-Youngs, The New York Times (June 4, 2019)

The Trump administration will step up efforts to deport families of undocumented migrants in the United States, the new leader of the Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency said on Tuesday, in an aggressive step to discourage illegal immigration at the southwestern border.

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Trump Demands Legal Immigrants Reimburse the Government for Welfare Programs

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Trump Demands Legal Immigrants Reimburse the Government for Welfare Programs

John Fritze, Michael Collins, & Alan Gomez, USA Today (May 23, 2019)

President Donald Trump took another step Thursday to crack down on legal immigration, instructing agencies to enforce a 23-year-old law that requires sponsors of green card holders to reimburse the government for welfare benefits.

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The Crisis of Children Dying in Custody at the Border, Explained

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The Crisis of Children Dying in Custody at the Border, Explained

Dara Lind, Vox (May 22, 2019)

The death of Hernandez Vazquez — and of two other minors, including a toddler, who have died in recent weeks after being apprehended by Border Patrol agents but who were released from CBP custody before their deaths — has renewed national attention and outrage from December, when two young children died in CBP custody in three weeks.

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Latest Migrant Child Death Raises Questions About U.S. Detention Practices

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Latest Migrant Child Death Raises Questions About U.S. Detention Practices

Caitlin Dickson, Yahoo News (May 21, 2019)

The fifth Guatemalan child to die after illegally crossing the border since December, Vasquez’s death at a Border Patrol station raises new questions about the length of time minors are being detained, as well as the conditions provided to them while in custody.

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