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The Law That Led To Trump’s Family Separation Crisis Has A Racist History. Now These Attorneys Are Fighting Against It In Court.

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The Law That Led To Trump’s Family Separation Crisis Has A Racist History. Now These Attorneys Are Fighting Against It In Court.

Adolfo Flores, Buzzfeed News (December 4, 2022)

A group of lawyers are using a novel argument to challenge the Trump era zero tolerance policy stating that the illegal entry charges used to separate parents from their children under this policy are inherently racist.

‘It’s All We Could Do: Cry’: A Honduran Mother and Daughter Describe Their Separation Under U.S. ‘Zero Tolerance’ Immigration Policy

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‘It’s All We Could Do: Cry’: A Honduran Mother and Daughter Describe Their Separation Under U.S. ‘Zero Tolerance’ Immigration Policy

Patrice Taddonio, PBS Frontline (December 6, 2022)

A new PBS Frontline documentary details the experience of a family separated under Trump’s zero tolerance policy and their journey to reunification.
