
Highlighted Resources

Custody and Care of Children at the Border: 2019 Congressional Briefing Book

By | Child Well-Being, Detention, Family Separation, Federal Policy, Highlighted Resources, Immigrant Youth, Immigration Enforcement, Law & Policy, Law/Policy Highlight, Unaccompanied Minors

Custody and Care of Children at the Border: 2019 Congressional Briefing Book

Multiple Authors (September 2019)

This briefing book contains a white paper that provides background on the situation at the U.S.-Mexico Border and recommendations to improve care for children as well as experts’ biographies and contact information and additional materials.

Model Policies on Immigration for Early Childhood Education Centers, Childcare Facilities, and First 5 California Sites

By | Early Childhood, Highlighted Resources, Immigration Enforcement, Practice, Social Workers

Model Policies on Immigration for Early Childhood Education Centers, Childcare Facilities, and First 5 California Sites

Immigrant Legal Resource Center (August 2019)

It is unlikely U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) will carry out immigration enforcement operations at an early childhood education center, childcare facility, or First 5 site. This practice advisory includes model policies put together by ILRC to serve as a menu of options for centers to choose from and adopt.

Separation of Families via the ‘Migrant Protection Protocols’

By | Family Separation, Federal Policy, Highlighted Resources, Law/Policy Highlight

Separation of Families via the ‘Migrant Protection Protocols’

Leah Chavla, Women’s Refugee Commission (August 16, 2019)

The Women’s Refugee Commission filed this complaint to the Department of Homeland Security on behalf of numerous families who were separated by U.S. Customs and Border Protection officials along the U.S. southwestern border, where at least some member(s) of the family were placed into the administration’s so-called Migrant Protection Protocols and sent back to Mexico.

Central American Immigrants in the United States

By | Highlighted Resources, Immigrant Families Research, Research, Research Highlight

Central American Immigrants in the United States

Allison O’Conner, Jeanne Batalova, & Jessica Bolter, Migration Policy Institute (August 15, 2019)

Increasing arrivals at the U.S.-Mexico border of migrants and asylum seekers from Central America in 2018 and 2019 significantly tested the capacity of the U.S. immigration system. Nearly half of the approximately 3.5 million Central American immigrants residing in the United States as of 2017 came before 2000

Advocates Vow to Block Trump Attack on Millions of Families and American Democracy

By | Highlighted Resources, In the News

Advocates Vow to Block Trump Attack on Millions of Families and American Democracy

CLASP (August 12, 2019)

Advocates for immigrant families and economic opportunity spoke out against a new Trump administration regulation that aims to prevent millions of families from accessing health care and other programs or risk denial of lawful permanent status in the United States.

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Strengthening Child Welfare Practice for Immigrant Children & Families: A Toolkit for Child Welfare Professionals in California

By | Child Well-Being, Highlighted Resources, Immigrant Youth, Practice, Social Work, Social Workers, Toolkits, Handbooks, Guides & Books

Strengthening Child Welfare Practice for Immigrant Children & Families: A Toolkit for Child Welfare Professionals in California

Immigrant Legal Resource Center (August 12, 2019)

With half of all children in California coming from an immigrant family, child welfare agencies in California must be equipped to effectively support immigrant children and families on the pathway to permanency. The objective of this toolkit is to provide guidance to child welfare agencies in California working with immigrant children and families.

Early Learning Specialist/Home Visitor Procedures – If ICE Knocks on the Door During a Home Visit

By | Early Childhood, ICE, Immigration Enforcement, Practice Highlight, Resources, Social Workers

Early Learning Specialist/Home Visitor Procedures – If ICE Knocks on the Door During a Home Visit

Parent Child Plus (August 2019)

This resource provides know-your-rights information and guidance on procedures for home visitors and other professionals for situations in which ICE comes to a family’s home during a home visit.

Mexicans Decline to Less Than Half the U.S. Unauthorized Immigrant Population for the First Time

By | Highlighted Resources, Immigrant Families Research, Research, Research Highlight

Mexicans Decline to Less Than Half the U.S. Unauthorized Immigrant Population for the First Time

Jeffrey S. Passel & D’vera Cohn, Pew Research Center (June 12, 2019)

This article details the decline in Mexicans who make up the U.S. undocumented immigrant population while an increase has been noted in lawful U.S. immigrants.
