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Sophia Sepp

Title 42 and its Impact on Migrant Families

By | Child Well-Being, COVID-19, Family Separation, Federal Policy, Immigration Enforcement, Law & Policy, Law/Policy Highlight, Legal/Law, Unaccompanied Minors

Title 42 and its Impact on Migrant Families

Drishti Pillai and Samantha Artiga, Kaiser Family Foundation (May 26, 2022)

This brief explains the Title 42 policy and its impact on border expulsions and the health and well-being of migrants, and discusses the potential implications of lifting the policy.

2022 Changes to the Public Charge Inadmissibility Rule and the Implications for Health Care

By | Federal Policy, Law & Policy, Law/Policy Highlight, Legal/Law, Public Charge

2022 Changes to the Public Charge Inadmissibility Rule and the Implications for Health Care

Drishti Pillai & Samantha Artiga, Kaiser Family Foundation (May 4, 2022)

This brief reviews the Biden Administration’s proposed public charge rule and discusses its implications for health coverage and care of immigrant families.

The Prevalence of Mental Health Disorders Among Latino Parents

By | Immigrant Families Research, Research, Research Highlight

The Prevalence of Mental Health Disorders Among Latino Parents

María A. Ramos-Olazagasti and C. Andrew Conway, National Research Center on Hispanic Children & Families (May 19, 2022)

This research brief explores the prevalence of mental health disorders among Hispanic parents of children, including the variation according to place of birth, and discusses strategies for improving access to mental health services for this population.

Do state laws reduce uptake of Medicaid/CHIP by U.S. citizen children in immigrant families: evaluating evidence for a chilling effect

By | Child Well-Being, Immigrant Families Research, Legal/Law, Research, Research Highlight, State Policies

Do state laws reduce uptake of Medicaid/CHIP by U.S. citizen children in immigrant families: evaluating evidence for a chilling effect

Sylvia E. Twersky, International Journal for Equity in Health (April 12, 2022)

This research documents the negative impact of immigrant restrictive state legislation on access to health insurance coverage (e.g., Medicaid/CHIP) for U.S. citizen children in immigrant families.

National Immigration Summit: Centering the Needs of Children & Families

By | Opportunities

National Immigration Summit: Centering the Needs of Children & Families

June 23, 2022 • 10am – 1pm CST

This third annual Immigration Summit will explore the unique challenges facing immigrant children and their families as well as child-forward immigration policies, access to basic needs and mental health resources, education, and how to shift the narrative surrounding immigrants and immigration.

Fairfax Co. school board votes to make immigrant families feel safer

By | In the News

Fairfax Co. school board votes to make immigrant families feel safer

Michelle Murillo, WTOP News (April 29, 2022)

The Fairfax County School Board in VA has voted unanimously to implement a “trust policy,” which states that the school district will not voluntarily share information about the immigration status of students and their families with U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement.
