Working Through Vicarious Trauma With Self-Care Strategies
CLINIC • December 14th, 2022 • 1-2:30PM ET
This webinar will educate on vicarious trauma, how to identify it, and how to cope with it through self-care techniques.
This webinar will educate on vicarious trauma, how to identify it, and how to cope with it through self-care techniques.
This factsheet on the newly revised Parental Interest Directive provides info on detained parents’ and/or guardians’ rights to maintain contact with and make decisions for their children and to participate in any related court or child welfare proceedings.
This nine part webinar reviews best practices for working with refugee and immigrant youth, including topics such as trauma and culture, migration experiences, secondary trauma, resilience, and more.
This FAQ reviews the importance of confidentiality for juvenile case records in CA, especially for immigrant youth, and provides guidance for advocates on protecting confidential information of the immigrant youth they represent.
This research assessed immigrant families’ participation and experiences with seven public benefits programs in CA, finding that community organizations played a key role in connecting families to these programs and that many families avoided benefits due to immigration-related fears.
This research looked at pandemic related economic hardships such as food and housing insecurity among families with young children by race, ethnicity, and nativity, finding that Latinx and immigrant families experienced some of the greatest increases in these hardships.
This policy brief reviews how language access can act as a barrier to early childhood education for dual language learners and offers recommendations on how to improve language access across early childhood services.
This factsheet provides information on the current status of DACA given recent court rulings, the impacts if it were to come to an end, and the importance of passing a pathway to citizenship for DACA recipients.
This study explored the impacts of expanding Medicaid pregnancy coverage to undocumented immigrant women in California, finding increased insurance coverage and improved birth outcomes.
In this piece, the Migration Policy Institute discusses the new public charge rule and recommends next steps in preventing barriers to accessing services for immigrant families.