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Center on Immigration & Child Welfare

How Early Childhood Providers Can Create “Safe Space” Policies

By | Early Childhood, Immigrant Youth, Legal Professionals, Practice, Practice Highlight, Social Workers, Youth & Families

How Early Childhood Providers Can Create “Safe Space” Policies

Rebecca Ullrich, CLASP (April 2019)

CLASP has released a guide to creating “safe space” policies for early childhood programs. Safe-space policies safeguard programs against immigration enforcement actions and protect families’ safety and privacy. In this guide, advocates, providers, and policymakers will find information about developing and implementing safe-space policies, sample policy text that can be adapted by individual early childhood programs, and a list of key resources for providers and parents.

Child Welfare Law, Immigration Policy, and Their Intersection

By | Federal Policy, Law & Policy, Legal/Law, Special Immigrant Juvenile Status (SIJS), Topics

Child Welfare Law, Immigration Policy, and Their Intersection

Howard Davidson, American Bar Association (n.d.)

This resource reviews intersecting laws and policies that impact child protective services and immigration. Included are federal laws and policies and suggested law and policy principles concerning child welfare services to undocumented child immigrants.

Approaches to Protect Children’s Access to Health and Human Services in an Era of Harsh Immigration Policy

By | Child Well-Being, Highlighted Resources, Research Highlight, Social Workers, Youth & Families

Approaches to Protect Children’s Access to Health and Human Services in an Era of Harsh Immigration Policy

Hirokazu Yoshikawa, Ajay Chaudry, Sarah Rendon Garcia, Heather Koball, & Trenel Francis, NYU Institute of Human Development and Change (March 28, 2019)

This report highlights key barriers facing low-income immigrant families in the U.S. immigration policy and enforcement context and discusses strategies that aim to mitigate or overcome barriers to safety-net program access for low-income immigrant families.

Webinar: Addressing Trauma in Young Children in Immigrant and Refugee Families Through Early Childhood Programs

By | Opportunities

Webinar: Addressing Trauma in Young Children in Immigrant and Refugee Families Through Early Childhood Programs

Migration Policy Institute (April 3, 2019)

In this webinar, speakers will discuss the intersection of trauma and early childhood development, exploring how migration-related trauma and stressors can influence the wellbeing of young children of immigrants. Researchers from MPI’s National Center on Immigrant Integration Policy will review how to support young children of immigrants and refugees through early childhood and other programs.

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Webinar: Promoting Early Learning for Children of Immigrants: Family and Early Care and Education Supports

By | Opportunities

Webinar: Promoting Early Learning for Children of Immigrants: Family and Early Care and Education Supports

Foundation for Child Development (April 3, 2019)
This webinar highlights the benefits of supporting immigrant mothers and fathers as they promote their young children’s early learning at home and school. Lessons learned from two program interventions will be shared: 1) engaging Latina mothers as stakeholders involved in promoting their children’s elementary school achievement, and 2) supporting Mexican-American fathers’ positive parenting of their young children.

Keeping Immigrant Families in the Child Protection System Together

By | Federal Policy, Foster Care, Immigrant Youth, Law & Policy, Law/Policy Highlight, Legal/Law, State Policy

Keeping Immigrant Families in the Child Protection System Together

Ann Park, American Bar Association (March 26, 2019)

This article discusses legislation enacted in California that addresses some of these questions, as well as recent federal policy that helps safeguard the parental rights of undocumented immigrants involved in federal immigration enforcement proceedings. Additionally, this article reviews federal child welfare law and policy that support best practices for working with immigrant families.

Children as Bait: Impacts of the ORR-DHS Information-Sharing Agreement

By | Immigrant Youth, Legal/Law, Research, Research Highlight, Unaccompanied Minors, Unaccompanied Minors Research

Children as Bait: Impacts of the ORR-DHS Information-Sharing Agreement

Women’s Refugee Commission, National Immigrant Justice Center, Washington College of Law (March 26, 2019)

This report reviews the potential impacts of the new Memorandum of Agreement between the HHS and DHS to share information about unaccompanied children in government custody and their prospective sponsors. The report evaluates findings from a survey of individuals involved in the sponsorship application and vetting processes—including attorneys, biometrics technicians and fingerprint specialists, and child advocates—in order to better understand and document the full range of implications of this new MOA.

Preparing the Future Workforce: Early Care and Education Participation Among Children of Immigrants

By | Early Childhood, Highlighted Resources, Research Highlight

Preparing the Future Workforce: Early Care and Education Participation Among Children of Immigrants

Erica Greenberg, Victoria Rosenboom, & Gina Adams, Urban Institute (March 22, 2019)
This study describes the characteristics and enrollment of children of immigrants using the most current and comprehensive dataset available: the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study, Kindergarten class of 2010-11.

Webinar: Current Issues Impacting TPS and DED Clients

By | Highlighted Resources, Immigration Relief, Legal Professionals, Legal/Law, Practice, Practice Highlight, Topics, Youth & Families

Webinar: Current Issues Impacting TPS and DED Clients

Catholic Legal Immigration Network (March 22, 2019)

This webinar reviews recent developments that affect TPS and DED clients, including litigation challenges, advocacy efforts, and best practice recommendations.
