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Center on Immigration & Child Welfare

The History and Future of Gender Asylum Law and Recognition of Domestic Violence as a Basis for Protection in the United States

By | Federal Policy, Immigration Relief, Law/Policy Highlight, Legal/Law

The History and Future of Gender Asylum Law and Recognition of Domestic Violence as a Basis for Protection in the United States

Deborah Anker, ABA Journal (April 28, 2020)

Anker details the history and development of the United States’ gender asylum law. Through a series of court decisions, the U.S. considered survivors of domestic violence a particular social group under the United Nations definition of a refugee. Jeff Sessions challenged this in 2018 and eliminate protections for women seeking asylum. This continues to be challenged in court.

Trump’s Executive Order on Halting Immigration Due to COVID-19

By | COVID-19, Federal Policy, Highlighted Resources, Law/Policy Highlight, Legal/Law

Trump’s Executive Order on Halting Immigration Due to COVID-19

CNN Politics (April 22, 2020)

This article includes the full executive order that President Trump recently signed. This executive order temporarily halts immigration to the U.S. and suspends new immigrant visas to the United States for 60 days.
