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Center on Immigration & Child Welfare

Settlement Limits ICE’s Power to Stop Vehicles and Make Arrests

By | Detention, Federal Policy, ICE, Immigration Enforcement, Law & Policy, Legal/Law

Settlement Limits ICE’s Power to Stop Vehicles and Make Arrests

Aimee Mayer-Salins, Catholic Legal Immigration Network, Inc. (March 28, 2022)

This settlement agreement states that ICE must stop unlawful arrests through vehicle stops and other enforcement tactics in the states of Indiana, Missouri, Illinois, Kentucky, Wisconsin and Kansas.

Webinar: Special Immigrant Juvenile Status: Your Client’s I-360 is Approved, Now What?

By | Opportunities

Webinar: Special Immigrant Juvenile Status: Your Client’s I-360 is Approved, Now What?

Immigrant Legal Resource Center • Speakers: Rachel Prandini & Kris Jackson • May 19, 2022 • 11:00 am to 12:30 p.m. PDT

This webinar is for practitioners with prior experience with Special Immigrant Juvenile Status (SIJS) and will discuss issues that arise for clients after being granted SIJS.

Equity in Permanency: Assessing the Scope of International Kinship Placements for Children in the U.S. Foster Care System.

By | Adoption, Child Welfare System Research, Child Well-Being, Culture: Issues & Competencies, Foster Care, Highlighted Resources, Immigrant Youth, Kinship Care, Research, Research Highlight, Transnational Resources

Equity in Permanency: Assessing the Scope of International Kinship Placements for Children in the U.S. Foster Care System.

Elaine Weisman, Antinia Joiner, Julie Rosicky, Jennifer Gillyard, Khadija Barqadle, Liliana Rosario and Tera Proby, International Social Service – USA (March 2022)

This report and accompanying slide deck detail the results and recommendations of a study conducted by International Social Service USA to better understand cross-border placements and family finding and to identify systems that facilitate and support international connections for children and youth in the child welfare system.

Slide Deck