My Life, My Rights: A Guide for Foster Youth
Public Counsel
This resource provides information for transition age foster youth on continuing with their education and finding employment after leaving foster care.
Get the GuideThis resource provides information for transition age foster youth on continuing with their education and finding employment after leaving foster care.
Get the GuideThis website provides statistics on multiple indicators of child well-being for children across the state of California.
Get the StatisticsThe author advocates for incorporating the best interest of the child standard into deportation proceedings initiated against an undocumented immigrant parent.
Read the PaperZayas, L.H., & Bradlee, M.H. 2014
The authors discuss that under the current immigration enforcement system, U.S. citizen children of undocumented immigrant parents become either exiles or orphans when their parents face deportation. This article discusses the impact of parental detention and deportation on children’s health and development and provides recommendations for addressing the best interests of children at the intersection of immigration enforcement and child welfare policy.
Read the ArticleWhile in Mexico to discuss the environment and trade, Governor Jerry Brown stated that the ordering of National Guard troops to the U.S.-Mexico border to address the surge in border crossings is misguided, urging politicians instead to heed the “religious call … to welcome the stranger” in addressing the crisis.
Read the ArticleImmigrants made surprise visits to the Center for American Progress, National Immigration Forum and the Leadership Conference on Civil Rights in order to urge them to boycott meetings with President Barack Obama until they are included in talks on how he will use his administrative powers to fix the immigration system.
Read the ArticleA flood of families crossing the southwestern U.S. border illegally is prompting the Obama administration to revive a much-criticized detention program that previously led to children and their parents being held for extended periods of time in harsh prison-like conditions.
Read the ArticleDozens of children have come forward to make complaints of abusive and inhumane treatment received in U.S. Border Patrol stations in South Texas, however, the border patrol agency states that no maltreatment is taking place, but that rather the facilities are overwhelmed.
click to readFollowing the meeting with pro-reform activists, President Obama declared his intention to use his executive authority to reform parts of a broken immigration system that has cleaved families and hobbled the economy.
Read the ArticleA new website,, aims to bypass severe political condemnation from those who are calling for immediate deportation of immigrant children. The website displays messages expressing welcoming and support for the children.
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